Take This

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Take This

Take this
And let it float away
Be it with the clouds
Or softly stream


Take this
As in prayer you sway
Pandora's box or treasure chest?
Hold it just


There's a haze descending
With an uncertain ending
It's colder than grey
The loss of a way

Limbs become limp
Heart sinking sinks
Breath pains chest
Words laid to rest

There's a fog outside in
It's louder than dim
With a dagger in hand
Shredding this land

Head feeling hot
Thoughts lost forgot
Weak fingers reach
Tongues cannot shriek

There's a black hole tearing
Towards a soul beyond caring
It's darker than death
Consumes the unrest

Lungs lost feeling

Heart stopped healing

Eyes shut light

Soul stops fight


Silence sneaks around the cracks
Of the machine gun
The fabric of my breath

Blood oozes like an ocean
In the dead spaces
The rise and fall of my chest

Is it black?
Is it dead?
Full up with empty
Seeping sepsis

Reach for me
I'll make you regret it
Yearn for me
You'll never forget it

Lift me up
So I can slump
High with your praise
So I can jump

Two for joy flies from the treetops
Into the relentless abyss

Too much
Too many
Last one




Loving a Butterfly

What if I whispered
I'm no good
But that voice
That wraps sinister
Like a snake's hiss
It was never mine

What if my mouth caressed
You full with love
But that taste
Sweet and intoxicating
Like wine
It was never mine

What if my hands squeezed
My last breath
But that End
Beautiful and tragic
Like Shakespeare
It was never mine

What if my soul danced
In my chest
But that spirit
Delicate and free
Fleeting like a butterfly
Was finally


At last the ocean breathed her in
Back and forth
Its soulful hymn

It carried her frail body free
Back and forth
Far out to sea

It cast her forwards with each exhale
Back and forth
So she set sail

Pulling her back before beginning
Back and forth
No fight for winning

Her skin begins to ocean blue
Back and forth
So old is new

Until the seas her soul surrounds
Back and forth
Soft but loud

Complete amidst ocean's symphony
Back and forth
Still but free

And at last, the ocean breathed her out
Back and forth
Her dark put out

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