Chapter 3: The Tour

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"Chloe are you ready yet?" I heard Ryley yell from downstairs.

"Almost!" I yelled down to her.

I quickly put on my purple and blue crop top, my high waisted jean shorts, and my gray vans. I went into my bathroom, brushed my teeth, put on some makeup , and straightened my hair. I got my phone and ran downstairs. Ryley was waiting for me in the kitchen. She grabbed her keys off of the counter, went to the car, and drove to the XL Center in Hartford, Connecticut.

We were listening to "Uptown Funk" by Bruno Mars. We were in the XL Center parking lot now, and I started to get nerves as we walked in the doors. There were so many girls everywhere! I couldn't believe what I saw some of the girls wearing! There were a bunch of girls in line for something, so Ryley put me on her shoulders, so that I could see what was going on. I couldn't see because we were both so short, so we just got in line.

When we got to the front of the line, there were cardboard cutouts of each of the O2L members. We each got our picture taken with Jc, Kian, Ricky, Sam, and Trevor. After that, it was about 5:40, and the meet and greets started at 6:00.

"What do you want to do for 20 minutes?" Ryley asked me.

"We could wait in line for the meet and greets." I said.

Ryley said that was fine, so we went into a back room, telling us where to go for the meet and greet. When we got to the room, there were about 20 girls already in line to meet the O2L boys. They would be here in 14 minutes now. It felt like forever.......

When they finally arrived, all the girls in line started screaming, and the line started to move.

Now, there were only two girls before Ryley and I. Both of us had our phones out, ready to take some pictures with O2L.

"Next!!!" Some woman yelled from the other side of the room.

"That's us Chloe!" Ryley said looking at me.

Sam was first.

"Hello girls." He said.

"Hi Sam! Can we get a picture with you?" We both said at the same time.

"Absolutely." Sam told us.

Trevor was next.

Ricky was third.

Kian was fourth.

And Jc was last.

"Hi Jc! Oh my god!!!" I said.

"Hello, I like your shirt! It's my favorite color." Jc said to me.

"Can I get a picture with you?" I asked him.

"Anything for a beautiful girl like you!" He said.

As I walked away, I was thinking in my head, oh my god, did Jc Caylen just call me beautiful......


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2015 ⏰

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