Prolouge: Isekai'd AGAIN!?

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*Endless Void, 3rd POV*



     A door appeared inside the endless voice. What came out was a teenager in their teens. They have white hair, red eyes, pale skin. And wearing a green hoodie, with brown pants. A companied by a black and white shoes.

???: Sorry, sorry. I'm late.

     The teen apologized. As they scratch the back of their head.


     Only silence answered their apology.

???: I know your there. Come out readers.

     A figure can out of the darkness.

Readers: WTF!? How are you communicating with us?!

???: I'm the vessel of the Author, let me introduce myself. *Cough* Hello There, the names Dakota A. Tan, the 2nd watcher of the multi-verse.

Readers: Wait... Vessel?

Dakota: Yes. Vessel for the Author. If you read the Reaction that the author made. The child they were talking about is my younger self.

Reader: But then... Why are your eyes red? I thought it was green?

Dakota: When the Author takes over any of my body, they give their own tweaks to fit their needs.

Reader: I see... But what are you doing in the realm of the Readers?

Dakota: Well, I found a box with a button on top. And I want you to see it.

     It seems the Readers know something, and they're backing away.

Dakota: Why are you backing away.

Readers: Oh um... T-There's an outbreak of a virus. And they said put some distance between people. You know, social dinstancing.

Dakota: Heh, funny thing is, in my timeline there's no outbreak. So what's the real reason on why you're backing away.

     Every step Dakota makes, the Reader's takes one step back. The readers were scared, they know what's gonna happened if they press the button.

     As the Readers try and run away, they felt cold metal on their ankles. They look down and shackles were on them, they tried everything. OP powers, the power of friendships, and plot armor. They were not working, you know why? Because the Author won't allow it.

     As Dakota reaches their destination, they gave the reader their best sadistic look ever. They slowly motion their fingers to the button.

Reader: No wait, you don't know what youre doing!! You're gonna regret this! I-I'll give you anything! Fame, infinite power, your own galaxy. PLEASE!!

Dakota: I'm pretty sure the Author can give me that. Without a but.

Readers: Dakota!!


*End of Prolouge*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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