week 1

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here's a checklist for things to add to your daily schedule, if you want to get the full effects of the glow up challenge then complete each daily task!

day 1

•30 mins outside (could be sitting on the grass, gardening, taking cute pics etc)

•drink at least 8 glasses of water (this is SO important!)

•give yourself a face massage - this could be with just your moisturiser or with a skin-safe oil (jojoba oil, argon oil, tea tree oil, coconut oil)

•2x 10 second plank

•2x 10 squats

•(not mandatory) try a new hairstyle.

day 2

•try to have a vegetarian day!

•30 mins outside

•drink at least 8 glasses of water

•2x 10 second plank

•2x 10 squats

•(not mandatory) take time before you go to bed to reflect on your day.

day 3

•30 mins outside

•drink at least 8 glasses of water

•cheat day! eat something that you love (even if it's not good for you!)

•2x 15 second plank

•2x 15 squats

•do a hair mask! (check out the hair mask chapter for the best ones)

•(not mandatory) steam your face.

day 4

•30 mins outside

•drink at least 8 glasses of water

•get your nails done! either professionally or paint your nails a cute color.

•2x 15 second plank

•2x 15 squats

•(not mandatory) if you wear makeup, try a glam look for the day!

day 5

•30 mins outside

•drink at least 8 glasses of water

•diy & use a lip scrub! half teaspoon of sugar, half teaspoon of honey and you could add a few drops of  oil too!

•2x 20 second plank

•2x 20 squats

•(not mandatory) eat some almonds!
they promote weight loss, can lower blood sugar levels and they really make your skin glow. if you don't have straight up almonds, you could drink some almond milk.

day 6

•30 mins outside

•drink at least 8 glasses of water

•take some time for yourself and watch a movie that you haven't watched before! i recommend attitude test on netflix.

•have a cup of green tea and a teaspoon of honey - so many health benefits!

•2x 20 second plank

•2x 20 squats

•(not mandatory) add on another 10 seconds to your plank!

day 7

•30 mins outside

•drink at least 8 glasses of water

•do a face mask! (check out the face mask chapter for the best ones)

•this is your break day! no workout today (unless you want to!)

•do some yoga to stretch out and balance your body.

•(not mandatory) give yourself a scalp massage! you could do it with a product but even just by itself can promote hair growth and can make your hair grow thicker.

1 MONTH GLOW UP CHALLENGEWhere stories live. Discover now