Roommates Part 1

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Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, I've been busy.  



After last night, I needed someone who understood me. Someone who have been with me through thick and thin. No, not Mel. At this point it seemed there were many hidden secrets going on in Mel and I’s personal lives. Whether it's for the better or worse, I don’t know. However, it was obvious we're not working out right now. Thus by contacting my friend, I wanted to forget about everything that's been going on so far.

Although I had practice today, I was desperately in need of company. I called an old friend of mine. Nicki was the type of person that could turn a normal day into something extraordinary. We always had fun together. We laughed, made jokes, and did many crazy things in our teen years.

Few minutes later after calling her, the doorbell rang. I opened the door without grabbing a shirt (She has seen this many times lol) and Nicki stepped in. "Miss me?" She asked in a laughing voice. "Nope." We started laughing as usual, bonding like old times. This is why I called her; I needed to laugh and forget for little while at least. "Aren't you gonna let me in?" I stood aside and watched her walk towards the couch, her hips swaying sensually. I have to admit she had a nice behind.  'Damn.' I thought.

Melanie's POV

I felt like shit as I left home earlier than usual this morning; I just needed to clear my mind after last night. After jogging for an hour, I went to the center since I had extra clothes with me and they had shower rooms. I wasn't expecting anyone there, but once I stepped in the locker room, I heard some girls chit chatting. "Girls, I called Ashuan today." "You did?" "Yea." She said in a giddy voice.  “I told him about, you know D and M." Don't call me sneaky, I just had to hear the rest, unfortunately my keys opposed. They fell on the floor and made the girls jump. When I walked into their corner, no one was there. 'Wow, speed of light.'

I really couldn't put my hands on what those girls were saying earlier, but pieces of the puzzle were connecting. After work, I drove home hoping for nothing but rest. Instead, I opened the door into our apartment and saw Nicki, Ashuan's ex. Now, I had no problem with having visitors, but I did when she was wearing a tight mini dress with stripper heels on and her foot crossed to show some fresh. I blinked several times, thinking of lots of things I could possible do to this girl, but instead I said, "Hi Nicki, long time." "Hey girl, you're looking good." The odd convo went on for few minutes until Ashuan showed up shirtless with a bottle of campaign. 'This better not be what I'm thinking.' It felt like time was going in slow motion. I looked at him confusedly and he looked back at me. I saw pain, anger, and the urge for revenge in his eyes. He leaned and kissed Nicki as if I wasn't there. It wasn't just a simple kiss. It was deep, passionate. Uncontrollable tear drops fell from my eyes. I couldn't believe he was doing this in front of me. I walked into my room and just stayed there.

I lay in the room for almost an hour before he came in, took a shower and went straight to bed. 'What the heck?'

I woke up early the next day and made breakfast. We sat down to eat, but it felt really awkward. I wanted to slap the breath out of him. I wanted to punch him, I wanted to just hurt him the way he hurt me. I kept turning my fork around, looking at him while he ate as if nothing happened. I slammed my fork on the table and walked into the bedroom. I couldn't take it anymore. He was trying to get back at me for meeting with DE. What the hell was I supposed to do? For days now, he's been treating me as if I betrayed him when it should be the other way around. He went to the movies with another woman when he told me he had practice. He kissed Nicki right in front of me. The message was loud and clear and I understood it. He wanted the single life, then so be it. He came in the room, stood there and watched me as I was packing. 'What a douche bag'. I grabbed some few clothes and packed them in my carryon. "Where are you going?" I ignored him. I kept on packing pretending he wasn't even there. "Damn it I'm talking to you." He yelled like he gave a crap. ‘Please.’ I thought, still ignoring him. Then suddenly, he grabbed me tightly, " I said where the hell are you going?!" "Don't you ever in your miserable life touch me like that again and why should you care?" I snapped back.

"You're right; I shouldn't since you do things behind my back now." His voice sounded harsh and nasty. "Listen, I did nothing behind your back. I shouldn't even have to explain myself to you." He bent his head down, lowered his tone in a menacing whisper and said, "You're going to him aren't you?" When he lifted his head, I looked at him straight in the eyes, and replied, "What if I am?" I walked out the house and drove to my best friend's house.

Of course I wasn't going to DE's house; I just wanted to show him that two could play the game. After a long drive, I arrived at Patten's house. I took couple deep breaths and knocked on her door. I told her everything that transpired. "What in the world is going on here?" Sara said, coming down stairs. Sara and Patten were my two closest friends. We've been there for each other since high school years. I started crying even more because I recalled once when Sara warned me about dating guys like Ashuan. I thought he was different, full of potential, loving, respectful, God fearing, and of course handsome. "Oh hun, it's ok."

I decided to go back home because I was tired of always running away when we had fights. This time, I wasn't going to try to work out anything. My name was on the lease; therefore the apartment was half mine. Like I said, two could play the game. If he wanted the single life, then so be it. When I arrived, he wasn't home. 'Probably hooking up with her again.' Thank goodness he wasn't though, because if he were, we'd be like Tom and Jerry. I took all my things and moved them into the guest room. I was not going to sleep in the same room with a man who doesn't appreciate me. I took all trace of me from the master bedroom into the guest room, there I would be independent. He would just be my roommate, nothing more, nothing less.

Ashuan's POV

After Mel left this morning, I couldn't concentrate. As soon as she left the house, I did the same. I got home later and went into the bedroom. I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes for few minutes. When I opened them I noticed things were different. I didn't see any pictures of her. I checked the closet, her clothes weren't in there. There was no trace of her. I knew I wasn't hallucinating because the room was not like this earlier. I went out to look for her.

Melanie's POV

He came home and met me on my way out. I was dressed in a mini black dress I had bought for his eyes only. Too bad too sad, someone else will be seeing me in it. As he walked in, looking at me with that puzzled look, I walked out. Trey and I were having dinner. Trey was my middle school to high school sweet heart. We were so close and inseparable. I really don't know what happened to us, but we became distant after freshman year of college.

As soon as I got in my car, I changed my dress. No way was I going out like that. All I wanted was to get him jealous. Once dressed, I drove off to the restaurant. Upon arriving, I spotted Trey, looking handsome as always. He was beautiful. He had those big beautiful brown eyes. Nice luscious lips. 'Snap out of it Mel, he's your friend.' I was nervous to meet up with him because I haven't seen him in years. I took a long deep breath and walked toward his table.

"Wow, you look beautiful." He walked around the table and pulled out my chair for me. 'Ooo, a gentleman.' "Thank you." I felt comfortable with him. He told me about his life and I told him about mine leaving Ashuan's name out. He was really understanding and funny as always. I wanted to spend the whole night talking to him, but it was already late. So we said our goodbyes and left the restaurant about ten o'clock. After my time with Trey, I headed to Patten's house to speed up time. Exactly 2:30am, I got back into my first dress and drove home. I opened the door to the apartment and saw his angry eyes staring back at me. For a minute there I wanted to say something, but I opposed as I gave him a calculated smile and walked to my new room.

**********************************************************************************************************Wow, these two people are really funny. I now understand when writers say that they follow the lead of their characters. My favorite part was when Mel wore her mini dress to get Ashuan mad and then changed it in the car. What was your favorite part? Comment and let me know.

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