He saved me?

21 0 0

- October 13th

I was walking like a cat along the empty dark halls of my high school. My eyes kept searching for a perfect spot and i finally decide to use the blank space of walls. I silently pour everything from my duffel bag to the flour.
"Red" i murmured to myself and smiled while holding the spray can. I then starts shaking the can and spraying letter on to the white wall of the school.
After a while, i was almost done writing the words on the walls when i heard footsteps right behind me. But when i turned around i didn't see any sign or even anyone.
I shrugged and continued. At the last letter of the word 'S U C K S' i heard running footsteps and before i could turn around and gasp they were hands covering my mouth violently and dragged me. I was trying to scream aand bite the hand but the hands were using thick gloves so it didn't work.
I was dragged into a classroom, my eyes scanned the room and i realized that i was in the science lab. They pushed me into the big teacher chair and now i could see the guy who had dragged me from my fun prank on halloween day.

"Hi cather" he says smirking. I could only see his eyes but im sure as hell knew who the guy was. "What do you want? Im fucking over this shit just leave me alone" i screamed. "Shut up! You still owe me stupid girl" he raises his hand and slapped me on the cheek. The pain was stinging and i gritted her teeth and counted to ten in inside my mind. "I gave you money to go to this school, i gave you a place to live, food, clothes, and most of all a job and a wage! And you just freaking ran away! I wont let you go away cath" he raised his hands again and slapped me again. He lifted his foot and kicked it right to my stomach and stayed there pushing very hard.
"I don't even fucking use your money anymore!"
"I dont give a shit! I want all my money back!"
"I dont even have money!"
He went silent and a smile crept to his face. A big evil one.
"Well you would have to work with me then"
My eyes grew big. 'Three...two...one.."
And bam i kicked him in his balls, punched him in the eye, pinned him to the ground kicked him in his back and ran away.

I was about to take my duffel bag when two men in black came to me and pushed me to the wall. They started to punch and kicking me when i 'fell' to the floor. Well i meant to fall to the floor because it was my plan. I use to take taekwondo, karate and wushu so i knew well how to defend myself.
When i touched the cold floor i gracefully kicked their feet which made them fell so i took that moment to run away leaving behind my bag.
I ran as fast as i could to i dont even know where but i was hoping to find an exit or something when i bumped in to a bright and tight human being.
"Oh shoot sorry! My bad!" The guy said rubbing his head with his hands. From far away i could hear the guys shouting and running to find me. I was already exhausted and my body hurts badly and i dont think i could face them anymore
"Quick we have to run" i whispered to him. "Why?" He said confused.
"Just ru.."
"There you are cather, did you really think i would let you go?" He, the baron, which is not his real name but he insisted that i call him that, took me by the wrist and pinned me against the wall. "You little dirty moth.."
And BAAM, the guy in the tight and bright suit hit him in the head, grabbed his foot and swing him around and released him so he hit the lockers with a loud crash, which is actually not true. Well he was dressed in a superhero costume, i think...and i couldn't really see his face because it was dark and the googles he was wearing was hiding his face. But anyway, truth is, he grabbed the red thingy for fire and threw it to the baron's head knocking him and his friends. He took me by the hand after i kicked the barons head and ran with him outside.

"What the hell was that all about?!" The guy said between his breath. I stayed silent not feeling obligated to tell him. "Well? Aren't you going to tell me? Those guys are crazy! What did they want from you?!" He asked again
"Its none of your business bright ass" i snapped. He stood and stared at me. "Well okay then, but remember i just saved your ass!"
I rolled my eyes "no you did not! I saved my own life!"
"Ah hell no! I helped you escape from those peoples!"
"Fyi, if i didn't bumped into you i could have escaped without having to fight them again moron!"
He looked pissed and i was satisfied so i walked away.


Hiii, did you guys like this first chapter? I hope you didd!!! I will post 2 or more chapters every weekends and maybe sometimes on weekdays but im not sure so please read on and comment and vote and whatever💁💗

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