Chapter 5

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(Snape's thoughts)

    A man stood in back clothing on a beach on the island near a mountain and he started to walk but stopped when he saw that there was a fire going n the tip.'Are there people here in this island? I better check.'

   "Homenum Revelio" The cold man merely raised is eyebrow when he discovered that there was indeed people where his son resides. The man sauntered to the middle of the beach than begun to jog when he got closer. He passed the malodor rocks, that could be smelt a mile away, and a small pond to stop at the sight before him. There were savages. Well they were children but they were dirty and basically naked sleeping on each other.'Well... guess they aren't shy. They must have been here alone for awhile.' The Professor looked around and his eyes paused when he saw the Boy-Who-Lived wrapped securely in a young boys arms. Naked. The Potion Master quickly walked to the older boy and woke him up when n fury. Said boy woke up immediately but did not let go. He clasped Harry closer to his body.

   "Who are you? Are you here to rescue us. We have been here on this island awhile. Did you see our fire?" The fair haired boy inquired.

   "I am Severus Snape, Potion Professor. I am here for my son, who you are touching in an inappropriate manner, and I will return you children to where you belong. I indeed saw your fire and that was very smart of you child. I want my son though but only for a minute. I need to check his wounds." The cold hard man demeanor fading as he look at the exhausted boy with those wishful eyes.

   "Okay sir. Thank you!" The boy carefully gave the paper weight littlun to the adult and ran to wake up everyone one else. While, Severus Snape looked over his son tears dripped slowly down his face that was filled with anguish.'My son... I am sorry I have failed you but I promise with all my heart I will protect you!" The man rocked the baby. His baby. While wandlessly checking for broken bones and internal damage. There was fourteen broken bones, three sprains, and his stomach was the size of a nickel. The outraged man hissed in displeasure and fed his son healing potions, a stomach soother, ans a skelegrow.


(Ralph's thoughts

   'I will finally be home in Britain. Though it won't be much since my father is always away. I wish I could have a adult in my life I could trust to tell what happens at boarding school... oh well.' The boy woke up his trusted friend Piggy and the other biguns and woke up the littluns. Everyone's expression was joyful and filled with a sanguine expression except two people. Roger and Jack. They were disheartened when they found out that they would be ruled around with adults and muttered that it wasn't fair.

   "I have the conch! Shut up!" Ralph ordered. Everyone became quiet but began to move to get closer to the man. Their savior. Severus Snape. They saw his tear streaked face and the way he embraced his son. Would their parents do that when they meet once again? That question continuously did that till the man's coal eyes reached their gaze.

   "Cheif? A child is no such thing. You will listen to me and listen well. I will escort you, except the people who found my son and helped him, home. You will tell me where you came from." The Professor lectured in a no nonsense tone.One small hand raised.

   "I am Percival Wemys Madison, of the Vicarage, Harcourt St. Anthony." The boy said perfectly.

   "Okay. Who else?" Then questioned.

   In an hour everyone was home safely and the two who remained was a handsome and a chunky boy. The two who saved his baby.

   "What are your names? I would like you in my son's life." The man softly said while running his finger through the said boy's hair.

   " I am Piggy, well that's what everyone calls me. I kinda forgot my name. My aunt is ill and I have no family. I would like to stay near the angel." Piggy stated with a blush merring his face.

   "Nice to meet you, I will gladly help you. We can pick a name that suits you if so desired." Piggy nodded and looked at Ralph.

   "I am Ralph. My Dad is never really home and I am normally at a boarding school. I would like to be near the angel as well. I have grown attached. Can me and Piggy stay with you?" The boy tearfully asked.

   "I will look into the authorities. The angel is named Harry but hopefully that will change as well. All of your names will become erased with one we chose together. Is that clear? Good. Hold onto my robes and whatever you don't let go!"
With that they were finally off the island.

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