
42 4 0


To: Me! (who else texts you)
From: Superman

How was your trip?? where'd ya go?


To: Superman
From: Me! (who else texts you)

Good. We visited family.

To: Me! (who else texts you)
From: Superman

Sweet haha.

To: Superman
From: Me! (who else texts you)


To: Me! (who else texts you)
From: Superman

Wanna hang out soon?

To: Superman
From: Me! (who else texts you)

When? Im babysitting a lot coming up.

To: Me! (who else texts you)
From: Superman

Sunday? you can sleep over. :)

To: Superman
From: Me! (who else texts you)

Sure. I'll have to ask about staying over.


To: Superman
From: Me! (who else texts you)

I can sleep over. :)

To: Me! (who else texts you)
From: Superman

Good. :)

From: MeWhere stories live. Discover now