Chapter 14

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"KIARAAAAAA!!!!" Marianna screams when I walk into the room.

"Hey." I say as I walk to are usual seats. Instead of Taly sitting next to Marianna, there's a girl with blonde hair with light blue highlights.

"Kii this is Vanessa, she just moved here from Arizona, shes a family friend."

"Hi." She says quietly. "Hey, I'am Kiara, or can call me Kii." I say.

Marianna, Vanessa and I talk about about what we did over the break. I found Marianna and Vanessa went to London.

A couple minutes later, Isaac and some guy walks into the classroom. "Are we late?" Isaac asks. "I don't wanna get another lunch detention."

"No." I respond. Isaac's smiles and are eyes meet. Light green eyes with specks of brown.

I always envied people with light eyes. I had poop brown eyes like my father. I always wanted to have my mother pretty blue-grey orbs.

We snap out of our gaze when the bell rings. Miss. Davidson yells at the few people that walk in late while she hands out some papers.

Marzia sat at the table doodling on a piece of paper.

"Marzia I'am home!!!" I say as I put down my backpack.

"Hey! I was thinking about ordering take out, does that sound good?"

"Yeah that sounds pretty good."

"Okay." She says as Puga-chan runs to my feet. I pick her up and go to my room to watch some YouTube videos.

I turn on my laptop and I hear Pewds screaming. Typical Pewds.

Before I can type in my password, I get text message.

Isaac- hey kii wanna meet at the pier at 4

I quickly text back:

Me- sure see ya

________________________Hey marshmallows :) sorry it took me a while to update! school is taking up my time!!!!!!!! :(

Hope you enjoyed:3


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