Entry 2

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Well the friend group is collapsing. That's great. Now, two of us are in the shadows. Honestly, I don't care at this point, but the other one does. You know what, let's call them A and B. Just to be a little more clear here. A and I are the ones who don't get much attention. But A comes from a family where she usually gets what she wants. B is the sporty type, and she has lots of other friends to tend to as well. So B can't really be with us 24/7. A doesn't like that. So when B does have time for us, it's usually spent with A yelling at B for being a bad friend. And then there's me. Just kinda in the middle of all of this. At this point, I'm thinking I drop the whole "friend" thing. It never works out, and I'm always alone anyway. There's my mom who is always at work. Even when she's home, she has Phlebotomy classes, so I always decide against bugging her. There's my older brother who is always with his girlfriend and takes antidepressants. And my dad won't be home anytime soon. He was arrested and will be gone for a few more years. So that leaves me and my plushies. I tell my Chikorita plushie everything, because she's my favorite. And soon, she will be my best and only friend. As much as I like A and B, I hate their bickering. Long story short, I can't wait to have no friends.

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