Chapter one The boy who was abused and found hope with a evil dark lord

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I was on my way to the kitchens when all of a sudden the fire place flared and lucius’s son was standing there holding on to a baby. “ My lord this is Harry potter and he has told me some interesting things about his home life “. the boy said I looked at Potter and could see that he had some bruises on his face “ Dumbledore has been doing his manipulations again he even encouraged the abuse to turn him submissive to him”. Draco continued. I looked at the child in his arms and saw that he was a broken child who needs someone to care for him and being  deaged has given him the chance to.” Hello child how are you “ I asked he looked at me unsure at first but then answered “ M fine sir who are yous” he responded “ I am lord voldemort of the wizarding world I can do magic” Potter looked at me like I had two heads“ Magic is not real Sir and My Name is Freakboy” I looked at him funny “ Why is your name freakboy and who told you magic was not real”

Harrymort: The adventures of Deaged Harry and Dark lord Voldemort.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя