Chapter 3 The founders arrive

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“Wormtail you incompetent fool of a rat ,didn’t you hear what I said. Harry will now be my heir  now get out of my sight or I will leave you in a torture room with Nagini “ I bellowed which made the rat scurry out of the room.” Harry are you alright” I asked my son  “ Yes daddy you’re  sad  tell me where it hurts I will kiss it better” .I was shocked at the comment I smiled and pointed towards my heart which he kissed “ all better” he asked with the cutest voice and I nodded “Harry”. It was Ms. Granger all wands pointed towards her Harry frowned and growled “ don’t hurt my Hermy or Gini will get you” Rabastan turned towards and said in mock shock “ you wouldn’t dare” Harry smirked “ry me”  “ You would always a slytherin at heart” Ms. Granger  sighed with a small smile on her face. Severus looked shocked “ Potter was supposed to be in Slytherin but he is the golden boy and he spoiled by his relatives”. Granger face turned cold and she said in a spine chilling voice “ Oh you mean his oh so called loving family who abused him and let their pig of their son beat him as well, who told him not to get better grades than their precious Duddy dums who was as dumber than his one daddy ten elephants Harry had to call uncle. She smirked at the offended look on severus’s face “ Hermy is Unca Vernon junior with you” Harry chimed  she smiled no longer being scary and shaked her no” No Ronald is not here and if he tries to hurt you again I will hex him into a pig” Her declaration Harry cheered clapping his hands and declared himself” Yea and we can roast him and feed him to Buckbeak and Gini and Sevvie”. The last name got me confused “Who is Sev,vie” Harry brightened even more and said “ Oh he is Scawlet’s familiar she is in the house of Snakes she is nice to me even though people say I can’t be friends with outcast and a snake”.  after his explanation a voice rang from the doors of my throne room “Aww are you talking about me my little Snakeling” All head swiveled to face  the owner of the voice of it was a…

The pic is Scarlet and the song describes here but I have another I will put later to describe her as well. 

To be continued

Harrymort: The adventures of Deaged Harry and Dark lord Voldemort.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon