Cheated on

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Nikki has a girlfriend and she is at work
Also the names are made up

Nikki was working late tonight while her girlfriend Emily stayed at home so she decided to do something nice and get Emily roses so when she was on her way home she stopped at a flower store and got her a bouquet of red roses after that she went straight home but when she got inside she heard weird noises coming from upstairs as she got closer she heard "yes baby harder I need it!" she knew that voice was familiar. When she got closer to there shared room she slowly opened the door to see Emily on top of her best friend Lydia she closed her eyes hoping it was a dream but it wasn't. She walked in and they still hadn't noticed her so she screamed at Emily saying "so this is what you do while I'm at work!" They both looked up in shock Emily broke the silence and said "Nikki baby it's not what it looks like, we can fix this come on". Nikki just ignored her and packed as much things as she could ignoring them both trying to talk to her.

When she got in her car she immediately called her best friend Amy asking if she could stay at her house for awhile. Amy could tell by the shakiness in Nikki's voice that she had been crying so she said yes. When Nikki got there she explained everything to her and they just a hugged for a bit before unpacking Nikki things that she bought and said they will get the rest tomorrow. But out of nowhere Amy said get dressed in something sexy then left downstairs leaving Nikki questioning why?.once she'd got ready she headed downstairs to see Amy dressed too, Nikki questioned why and Amy said we're going clubbing to get your mind off her and to find a new girlfriend. Nikki complained saying it was too soon for another one and she didn't want to get cheated on again, but Amy just said she wasn't the one and this will help get your mind off of them.

They got in her car and left to there favourite club called bjs bar,once they got there they sat on a bar stool an ordered there drinks while waiting Amy looked around and saw this girl looking at Nikki basically drooling, so she nudged Nikki and told her about the girl practically drooling over her so Nikki turned around and met the girls brown eyes that she got lost in, Amy noticed that and told her to go and talk to her. Nikki just shook her head and said I'm scared and continued to drink. Amy left to do the dace floor and found a guy cuz she saw the brown eyed girl coming over.

Nikki was left alone until she heard a voice say "hi" she turned and realised it was the girl so she asked "what's your name beautiful" and the girl replied saying "sam,what's yours". Then Nikki took a sip of her drink saying "Nikki". They made small talk for awhile then Sam asked if she wanted to dance of course Nikki said yes, so they both jumped up making their way to the dance floor. At first it was just the swaying to the beat while they looked in each other's eyes it was like it was just them, nobody else existed. As the night went on it started getting more sexual so Sam asked if they wanted to go to her apartment and from there things escalated.

When Nikki woke up she felt her head on someone's chest so she looked up and saw Sam then looked down and saw they were naked. Nikki felt safe and comfortable so she stayed for 5 more minutes till she got up got dressed and was about to leave but found paper and she wrote  note saying "thank you for last night I enjoyed hope we can meet for coffee😘😜❤️ and then her phone number. At around ten o'clock Sam woke and walked downstairs and saw the note on the kitchen bench. She smiled as she read it and added it straight into her contacts and decided after breakfast she will text her

Once Nikki arrived her she saw Amy still in bed so she went to her room and she checked her phone to see Sam texted
Sam: hey I would love to meet up for coffee with you I'm free anytime

Nikki: ok how about tomorrow at 9

Sam: ok see you then❤️

They met up for coffee the next morning and had a great time they were laughing all the time Nikki loved how goofy Sam was. They started hanging out more until one day Sam decided to ask Nikki to be her girlfriend. They were at the beach when Sam decided to and that's what she did. They both sat down enjoying each other company when Sam thought this is the perfect moment so she said "Nikki I've got to know you these past few months and I'm getting feelings for you, you are amazing sweet kind beautiful and I just enjoy spending time with you so , will you be my girlfriend?. Nikki had tears running down her face and kissed Sam so happily.

5 years later
Sam and Nikki got married
Had three kids

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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