Day One

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Go to hell. Oh how I wish you would just leave me alone. Can't you tell my hearts breaking? Don't you notice how you're slowly killing me? Not like with a gun, where its quick and relatively painless, but slowly sending poison into my thoughts and internally fucking me up. How is that any less cruel? I didn't choose to want you. I didn't choose to have the over whelming desire to kiss you or to have your arms around me. I didn't choose to love you. This is all out of my control. So why can't you let me go? Why do you drag me along like this? It's equivalent to tying me to the bumper of a car and just flooring it. At least that's how it feels like at the moment. Thanks for everything. You used to fill me with joy. I used to stay up all night thinking about you and what it would be like if we were together. And for me, that means something considering I've been alone my entire life. Now I'm questioning if I can even go on. No one cares about me, no one would care if I'm gone.

So why stay?

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