Never noticed before

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Richelle's Pov:

''Noah, come back here we have to finish our duet!'' I yell to get his attention. He has been so distracted lately, like he doesn't want to do anything. He just keeps going from one girl to another and doesn't think about anyone. He is my best friend but such a jerk.

''I have to go Rich, I have to meet Amanda for coffee and then I have a date with Jacquie.'' is he series, he is playing with those girls hearts, how could he be so full of himself. 

''You come back here right now or I will never speak to you ever again!!" I yelled so that this time he heard that I was not playing around.

He hurried right back, which made me feel good that he cared if he lost me, but also made my heart brake for what I was going to tell him right now.

''Noah, I can't do this anymore. I can't keep quiet while you play with those hears. What have they ever done to you. This is not the Noah I know, I don't seem to know you anymore, you are changed, I have never met this person before and I am not sure if I like it.'' it hurt me saying this and I could see how broken he was, but it had to be said, he was not the same person and I had to know what happened.

''You don't mean that, I am still the same old Noah. Yeah, puberty hit me a little, but I am still here, your best friend.'' he looked so broken, like he was about to cry and i was about to cry with him.

''No, this is not you, this is not the Noah I know. Tell me what is happening No, why are you like this.'' at this moment his eyes were watering and he couldn't hold it anymore.

''Rich, my parents are splitting up, I have been going out with Amanda and Jacquie so that I could spend the nights with them, because I didn't want to go home. They have been fighting for days, yelling, braking shit and sometimes I even hear them saying that if I wasn't born, they would have broken up much sooner.'' he was in my arms right now, crying his beautiful eyes out and we were on the ground just laying there and hugging each other.

''Noah, why didn't you tell me, I am your best friend, you could have stayed with me. We could have sorted this out and believe me it's not your fault. You are wonderful, beautiful and it could never be your fault. believe me you are an angel brought from heaven.'' 

''I know i should have told you, but I couldn't you were so happy, with Elliot as your boyfriend and for winning the dance program, I didn't want to do this to you.'' I can't believe he was more worried about me, than himself with more problems in his life. He is the most amazing person ever.

''Listen to me, you could always come to me and I will always be here for you and you don't need to think otherwise.'' he smiled, for the first time in months I have seen him smile, a real smile not a fake one.

''Now come on let's go to my house and we will figure out this duet some other time. You need some hot chocolate and some muffins.'' I got his arms to get him off the floor and we headed out to my house. I never knew before how hurt he was, but now I know I should never take him for granted. He is my angel from above, my savior, I love him with all of my heart.

(Hi guys I am finally back with a new one shot. OH MY it has been so long I missed you all so much, i hope you like this new one it has a special place in my heart, it shows how much friendships are so needed in this world and that we should always be here for each other. No matter how hard the times can be. I am here for you all if you ever need to talk or anything, you can count on me lovelies, always know that. Love you all🖤🖤)

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