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Obliva, a region where hundreds of Pokémon live play and breed many still undiscovered, this island looking quite peaceful and harmless to the naked eye hold dark secrets, some which should never surface. Now a new professor has moved to this region and with her a new life, new challenges and excitement.

Also on this island there is a young girl named Neya who dream of her own adventure, although she is not of the age to own a Pokémon she knows that one day her time to shine will come.

When Neya was five she had a cherrim, both Neya and cherrim would wonder off into the forest although her mother told them  not too. When she went off in the forest she became lost scared and afraid. She went in different directions until she tripped a bumped her knee, but in the direction she fell she saw a wall of vines and decided to climb it*With help from cherrim * she went over the wall and discovered something that would change her life.  A mysterious  boy behind the wall helps her up and treats her wound, after that day the two become friends and she visited him every chance she could. One day he told her she won't be able to see him anymore, but to remember him by the boy gives her a locket. He said that the locket is special and must be kept safe at all times.

11 years have passed since that day and Neya is ready to go on an adventure her along with the violin that her grandmother gave her on her ninth birthday, a bag full of special rose petals, and a special locket around her neck.  Neya is ready and determined for whatever challenge comes her way. 

The only question is is she ready to find out the secret behind the locket?

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