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I sat in the lounge room and threw skittles in the air as I attempted to catch them. I was failing terribly. Tomorrow we'd have to go back to these stupid academic classes. I love this place but school in the summer is not for me.

"Home sweet home!" Tylie walked in and Allie wobbled behind her holding about 6 bags.

"What the hell do you mean?" I asked her.

"She's moving in with us. Now I have to share my room because it's the only one that has room."

"We're a quarter through the summer already." I said.

"Yea well, When I talked about Trey and Megan you're supervisor lady started crying and reminiscing her old relationships." Tylie said. I got up and took some of the bags from Allie.

"A pretty girl like you, shouldn't do so much work." I grabbed a few bags from Allie and she looked flabbergasted.

"Why aren't you holding these yourself?" I asked Tylie.

"A beautiful girl like me shouldn't be doing so much work." She winked at me and when Allie and I got into the room, she left and closed the door behind her.

"Let's start unpacking." Allie said.

"Your hoe can unpack herself." I had nothing against Tylie but she isn't slick leaving me here with Allie.

I sat on the bed. I guess the two will be sharing for now. Allie picked up Tylies biggest suitcase and opened it. I heard jingling and saw the charm bracelet on her arm.

"My bracelet." I whispered. I guess it was loud enough because she looked up at me.

"Can we talk about what happened?"


I sat down beside Chris and looked down. I messed with the bracelet on my wrist.

"I'm sorry." He blurted.

"It's fine. Really."

"No. I found that book that was in your room. The one about Senior Advice. I know who wrote it. He left the program last year. It was pretty funny." I glared at him and he stopped. "Anyways, I wasn't trying to use you."

"Chris. I know. It's fine. Today is a new day and tomorrow will become a new day. What did my dad say to you?"

"He asked me how old I was and I lied and told him I was 15." I looked at Chris and wrinkled my eyebrows.

"Why not your real age?"

"Your dad looks like The Rock. He would kill me on the spot."

"You're scared."

"I'm just scared for what else you're hiding in your pants."

"Get out." I told Chris. He put his hands up before I pushed him off the bed. When he left, I realized I was left with Tylie's junk. At least I can find myself a new outfit while I unpack for her.

A/N: SOOO suckish omf
Chris is 17 because senior
Chris and Adamari on the side

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