Chapter 1

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John was a baby when it happened. His adoptive dragon father told him that one day he and his dragon wife had been out on a stroll and had seen John and his biological dragon mother falling from the sky. John's mother had used her body to shield her son from the impact of the ground but died herself in the process. John's father was a local lord and he and his wife had been trying to conceive an heir for some time now. And here lay a baby dragon with a long neck and a long tail with spikes and no family to care for him. On that day John's adoptive mother and father had found their son.

17 years later John Lambton on a Sunday morning lay in the river, fishing. With his long neck and long tail, he was able to dam a section of the river so no fish could make it past. He would then roll onto his side and use his feet to flip the fish onto the bank of the river.

John lived in a dragon society when every Sunday they all went to dragon Conclave, they called their weekly meetings Colclave they used Conclave to discuss their plans to continue fighting in the war against the southern dragons.

John was mad, he did not start out that way. When he laid down in the river he had been pleasant, it was still early. After an hour he was muttering curses to himself. After three hours, all of the conclave goers could hear him cursing. They weren't appalled that he was skipping conclave yet again, that judgment had passed years ago. They were, however, appalled that he was cursing so loudly.

They were peasants and he the son of the local lord was not in danger of getting sent to the war. But they all were so if he could have the decency to just not scream the cuss words. John didn't care he was john Lampton the future lord Lampton. Suddenly he felt something pecking at his yellow belly and laughed allowed "finally!" John rolled over and kicked at the mass but it did not fly out of the water like normal. It was a shadowy murky spot in the water until he hit it with a well placed three toe kick and

"wait what was that."

The catch flopped on the bank, eyes locked on John with the hungry face of a predator. It had the head of a salamander with nine holes on each side of its mouth. Unsure why John approached the creature it was about three feet long, slimy, and black like an eel but with two back legs and two front legs. Staring and taken aback by the sudden odor John could not bring himself to touch it. He cursed even louder than he had before. Then his ear frills caught a quiet voice.

"What ales you, and what have you caught that makes you stain this day with such language?" "I, I think I've caught the devil himself,"

John replied eyeing the horrible worm that writhed on the bank John turned and spotted an old dragon who must have made his way down to the bank during the struggle to catch the creature. "This bodes no good for you and yours, you can not cast him back you have caught him now you must keep him."

" Keep him? Why would?"

But glancing back at the old dragon, John saw that he had disappeared. John told himself that the old dragon had probably turned and made his way back to the road quickly without making a sound in the few seconds that John and turned away. Sure. John returned to the task at hand, slightly more afraid. The long black eel-like creature flailing on the bank looked at john and snapped his jaws. The old man had been right about one thing John could not let the beast go here as soon as it hit the water it would come after him. He had an idea and quickly gathered up his things with one claw and grabbed the creature right behind the head with the other. Keeping the thing above the water. John took off and flew to a spot that he thought it would be safe to keep the creature.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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