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On the road...

Herbert offered to drive for a while, letting Mischa sleep a bit. She had her socked feet resting on the side mirror, leaning on a large black duffel bag resting between them. Her head turned away. Herbert used the time to think of the ongoing situation. His thoughts had always come back to his serum. What if he'd inadvertently caused this to happen? Something that had been created to stop death could have been the catalyst of the dead returning. Enormous guilt gnawed at his stomach. The road ahead of them was long, filled with abandoned vehicles, burned out vehicles, and endless stretches of emptiness. If there were others, they were either hunkering down or fighting to live another day. Mischa Anderson exuded strength he hadn't been possessed. Her desire to get to her brothers, the need for her to take charge of the situation told him she was someone who could be trusted and knew how to get the job done. For a socially awkward man, Herbert found himself admiring her, she wasn't overtly unfeminine but her attitude told him she didn't care what others thought of her. Mischa sighed in her sleep, adjusting her neck her head lightly bumping his shoulder. Somehow that movement alone caused his heart to palpate a bit. Her hair was still in its ponytail but he could see a light scar running the length of the part in her hair.

He wondered what had happened. At some point in her life, her scalp had literally been split open. "You know, it's a bit creepy you staring at me, pay attention to the road, friend.", Mischa spoke without opening her eyes. "Huh? I was not.", Herbert actually looked rather cute blushing. "Liar.", she chuckled and sat up. Herbert had the good sense to look back at the road, slowing. "Look.", he came to a halt. Ahead of them was a large crowd of dead milling around. "Damn, is there any way around?", Mischa asked looking around. "I suppose I could go that way.", he turned the wheel to his right, veering past the largest part of the dead people. She noticed the crowd turning in their direction. "This isn't going very well. Step on the gas. Roll the window up.", she quickly did. Herbert jammed his foot down hard on the gas pedal and plowed through the dead. It was enough the truck was covered in body matter, it was about to get a whole lot worse.

Mischa cringed when they came through the herd and barely missed hitting a large oak. "Jeez!", she yelled as he screeched to a halt. "Don't yell! What the hells the matter with you? We're through, aren't we?", he barked putting the truck in park. "I know, dumbass, but you almost hit that tree!", Mischa retorted. Herbert could feel the adrenaline rushing through his body. Mischa rolled down the window, checked for the all clear. Getting out, she walked a ways out and puked. Not only had her adrenaline kicked in, her anxiety also spiked. Every time she had a panic attack, her stomach would cramp up, she would shake and she always ended wishing she could just crawl under a bed and never come out. Herbert slid out of the driver's seat and hurried over. "Stay there!", she threw her hand back. She was kneeling in the high grass emptying her stomach. "What's wrong?", he kind of felt bad for yelling back at her. "Just give me a second.", she struggled to control her breathing. He suddenly recognized the symptoms of a panic attack. He hurried back to the truck and rummaged through one of the many bags, finding Xanax and a water bottle. He picked his way back to where she was and knelt next to her. "Drink this.", he handed her the water.

     Mischa looked discombobulated, almost like she just wanted to hide from everyone. "Take this.", he popped two of the sedatives into her hand, making her wash them down. "Why didn't you tell me you suffer from anxiety?", Herbert asked helping her up. "That's something I don't like talking about to strangers. Just get me back in the truck before these pills set in.", she could feel the calming effects of the pills taking effect. Herbert walked her back to the truck and got her situated. Shutting the door, he hurried back to the driver's side. When he got in, she had a map pulled out and was in the process of unfolding it. She had already circled where they needed to go. "An hour ago we passed the state line into Maryland. I figure it'd take us about another day or so to get to Georgia depending on whether we have more obstacles.", she said her words sounding a bit slow. Herbert took the map, "Alright. You just rest. I'll get us back on the road.", he assured her folding the map back up. Mischa smiled awkwardly and rested her head on the black duffel bag.  The sight of her in such a weak state made him realize he was relying too heavily on her. He needed to help out more. Herbert didn't have respect for too many people but she was one of them. He wended his way back onto the highway and set a course southward.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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