And really...

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Freedom is something that was elegized on in songs, exalted  in poetry and prose, comparing it with the beauty by which the world goes crazy (George Seville Halifax) and calling this concept  the only characteristic feature of civilization (Lev Me...

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Freedom is something that was elegized on in songs, exalted in poetry and prose, comparing it with the beauty by which the world goes crazy (George Seville Halifax) and calling this concept the only characteristic feature of civilization (Lev Mechnikov). This is something that can not be bought or sold. In pursuit of it, people commit rash actions: they abandon their families, move to other cities, go to the edge of the earth just to feel its beauty.
Each person has his own idea of ​​what it means to be free. It depends on intellection and, accordingly, age, on the situation around. Whatever period in the history of mankind we look, there are wars in each of them, not necessarily accompanied by bloodshed and many thousands of army, there may be a struggle of only one or several people defending their rights or point of view. Recall, for example, the russification policy, the mass repressions of Belarusian writers in the 1930s, So despite moral pressure, some of them, having exceptional courage ,continued their work in their native language, allowing the Belarusian word to live and finding their freedom in self-expression.
The understanding of this word also depends on the values ​​of a person and his education, which differs depending on the place where he lives and on the period on the time line in which he fell to be born.In the past, a rural man worked from sunrise to late evening.Exhausted from fatigue, he raised his scythe and made another wave for the family of this person to forget for a while what a hunger was.At the same time, a modern, carefree, as it would seem, schoolboy feels cornered by the onslaught of homework and with a great effort of will after a parental conversation he fulfills his duties.
Obviously, by the word freedom, we don't mean unlimited power for the implementation of human whims, and not self-will, but a feeling of lightness, calmness and complete pacification for which humanity is unsuccessfully seeking, but which is attained less and less often. In all my born days I have come across a great number of talented people. Some could become excellent engineers or succeed in painting, others had the ability to do business or to communicate with children.It was sufficient for them just to make a few efforts: to bring a certain quality and get rid of the negative ones. However, frightened by failures, competition, and having been drawn into pandering to laziness, they chose a different path, an easier one.These people deprived themselves of their favorite work, did not reveal their potential, and actually abandoned a happy future.
Several random people turned my life upside down: I felt hatred for human vices for the fact that they did not allow a person to go beyond the limits that he had set in his head, and having made freedom from shortcomings as his goal, he decided It has changed.I discovered that once too often a person resigns himself to weaknesses, justifying his actions by wish to have fun, take a break from others and run away from a cruel reality. For example, gamers do likewise, plunging into a comfortable environment where a person is not responsible for actions and is not criticized by others . Meanwhile, virtual reality takes most of the time of such a person, turns into addiction, but solutions to real problems remain undecided. The German thinker Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche wrote: it is impossible to become free from what you are running away. This is perhaps one of those mistakes that I made on the way to my goal. I looked for relief in many activities: reading, knitting, even in computer graphics, but I always forgot that it was infeasible to hide from problems, just like a small child, having closed his eyes, hides from monsters .
I accepted the fact that a person does not choose where and in which family he will be born, how he will be called or what to meet on the path of life: severity and obstacles that arise like turbulent rivers with a rocky bottom or quiet carefree years. The ship does not sink when it is in the water. It sinks when the water is in it.
It is not the situation itself that is of importance, but the attitude towards it, then, having calmed down and reasoning soberly, a person not only can get rid of internal anxiety, but also be able to more accurately examine the state of affairs, it is possible to detect benefits both for oneself and others that will allow to reach the point of calmness.
When I was a small child, I oftentimes thought about why I had to live far from the city, in the back of beyond, when I wanted to spend time with friends, walk in the night park, be carried away by the flow of events. My mother made me believe that it is really luck to be born here, away from the bustle of the city and described to me so many opportunities that open to villagers.
"...We watched autumn foliage falling, could sit for hours and look at the bright flame in the furnace, then having looked into the windows and seen a raging storm outside, more wrapped up in a blanket. We sort of felt nature and could see in it what was not given to penetrate to the modern fussy man".
It seems to me that the newborn baby has unlimited freedom: he does not feel the problems of the world around him, but sincerely rejoices at her mother's touch, her smile, and knowing the world, faces everyday for each of us things and phenomena: blue sky, bright sunshine and colorful rainbow, stunning little man to the depths of the soul, and being real miracles. Life itself, given to us, is already freedom: we can feel the touches of the loved people, experience emotions, hear pleasant smell of flowers...But endless freedom comes when a person swallows his pride and selfishness, overcomes anger and resentment, becomes like a child: knows how to forgive , sees joy in trifles and completely trusts his nearest and dearest, not looking for a dirty trick.
Freedom is something that was elegized on in songs, exalted in poetry and prose, comparing it with the beauty by which the world goes crazy and calling this concept the only characteristic feature of civilization.In pursuit of it, people commit rash actions: they abandon their families, move to another city, go to the ends of the earth just to feel its whole charm. This is something that cannot be bought or sold, but can be comprehended only by changing yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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