Things Done In The Name Of Love...

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So long ago, before there existed anything, from the eternal darkness was born a being named Void. Void was the father of a being far more powerful then him. Void fathered twins, Chaos and Order.

Where Chaos had gotten the domain of creation, Order had been awarded the domain of destruction. Together they created the balance of the world, the two beings knew that they alone could never control the things they wished to create and oversee. So they decided to get together, bind themselves to one another in a way unbreakable for beings like them. And they created the Primordial Gods.

There were Gaea, Ouranos, Erebus, Hemera, Nyx, Tartarus, Eros, Aether, Ananke, Chronos, Pontus and Thalassa. Each held a domain, each held unimaginable power, and each did their jobs as they were meant to. At least, until Gaea and Ouranos had their children, the next generation of rulers on the planet of Earth.

Chaos and Order looked upon the Earth which their eldest daughter and her brother had made their home, and they watched over the complete destruction of the rule of the Primordial Age, and the coming of the Rule of Titans. Or the coming of the Titanomarchy.

Where the children of their Gaea and Ouranos grew up neglexted by their father, and as the hatred for the Primordial built within the youngest, Kronos. And within Kronos the two Higher Beings saw the end. They saw a new child that would rise and that would be the Titan's salvation, and the child that would return the rule of the Primordial Age, with his Titan husband by his side, and with all the Primordials met with a match in one of the Titan siblings.

Chaos and Order decided that this child shall be theirs, and that this child would reside within a mortal woman's womb when the time would be ideal for the sacred child to be born.

The two beings continued watching as Kronos and his siblings overthrew Ouranos and as Kronos became the King of Titans, and changed with the passing of time. He became arrogant, began to lust for power and all the crown had to to the Titan King was make him more proud... But Order and Chaos saw within him a redeemable quality that they knew was special.

Kronos of Gaea and Ouranos had the fatal flaw of personal loyalty, and this loyalty only stood with his siblings, his mother and his sister-wife, Rhea.
And they watched as the woman he loved betrayed him, breaking his flaw only a little before his siblings had done the same and his children had cut him to pieces and threw him into Tartarus, their son's realm.

And so came the end of the Titanomarchy, or the Golden Age, and came the rule of Gods. The gods were Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Demeter and Hera, the original children of Kronos and Rhea, and then they changed to Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, Dionysus, Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Ares, Aphrodite, Hermes and Hephaestus.

It would be centuries, if not millennia, that the child the two Creators had dreamed of would form.

They watched the Olympians as they bickered and messed up the world they were meant to watch over, and they picked and chose which of them were truly working and doing their jobs correctly, and they would spend years and years formulating plans for when their child would be created... And then time came.

When the great prophecies were uttered, the two beings knew their child would face them, their child would be the one to take the weight of the world upon his shoulders and then one day he would ride the warhorse to victory against these gods and lead the Primirdials and the Titans to a new age of harmony and the perfect stage of kingship over the world of the mortals.

Soon came the day they were waiting for. When Poseidon fell for a beautiful mortal woman named Sally Jackson, and created his child within her womb, the two beings came to the Earth for the first time in so so long, and they touched the child's soul and created a whole new DNA map for it. What was once Poseidon's was now Chaos' and what was once Sally's was Order's. The child was now 2/4 Primordial, 1/4 Titan and 1/4 Mortal.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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