Chapter Five

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     It's the next day, around noon, and Dan, Phil, and I are getting ready to go shopping. The morning was pretty simple. We ate breakfast, I uploaded the vlog and my main channel video, and Dan was just on Tumblr the whole morning. I'm not sure what Phil did, he was in his room the whole morning. He even brought his breakfast in there.

Dan holds the door open for me as I step out of their flat; I thank him and walk down the stairs, out to the street. It doesn't take long for our taxi to arrive, and it's an even shorter drive to get to the shopping center. We get out of the car and Dan pays him, before grabbing my hand and dragging me into the mall.

We go into a few shops; I buy some gloves, a couple hats, and some slippers to wear around the house due to their cold floors. Dan gets a few things, as does Phil, before we decide to part ways. "You can go into whatever store and I'll be in Hot Topic." I say and let go of his hand, starting to walk backwards to the store. "Meet back up here?" He nods, and I turn around, walking into the store.

I buy a couple band tees, along with some key chains to put my keys on. I walk up to the check out and set my items on the counter. "I like your shirt." The man behind the counter says, Ryan, his nametag says. "Thanks. I made it myself." I say as I look down at my Five Seconds of Summer shirt that I made.

"Sophia Tomlinson, right? You're a famous YouTuber or something?" He asks as he starts to bag my items. "Yeah, I'm pretty famous if I do say so myself." I state, jokingly flipping my hair over my shoulder. He laughs and shakes his head before telling me my total. I pay for it and walk out of the store.

It all happens in an instant. I walk outside of Hot Topic and step to the side, only to be shoved against the wall and...kissed? It doesn't take long for the man to be pulled off of me and thrown onto the ground by Phil. "Damon?!" I utter once it sinks in that my ex-boyfriend just shoved me against the wall and kissed me.

Just as Phil climbs on top of Damon and punches him, Dan rushes over and pulls Phil off of him. "What the heck man?!" Dan asks, confused to why he just punched him. Phil instantly shoves Dan away, getting angry for pulling him off Damon. "Someone has to protect her!" It gets quiet and after a while Dan's face contorts in confusion. "What's that supposed to mean?"

I drop to the floor to analyze the damage that Phil did to Damon. "Are you okay?" I ask, grabbing his face and turning him towards me. He groans, and I frown a little, looking at the damage. It's already starting to bruise and his mouth is bleeding. "I don't know why he did that. Phil normally wouldn't hit a fly." I shake my head before looking at him again.

I wipe the blood off of his face with a tissue from my backpack. "Did he knock one of your teeth out?!" I nervously ask, making him open his mouth. He shakes his head no, opening his mouth to show me. "You just bit the inside of your cheek, you'll be okay. It'll be sore for a while but it will heal." He nods and I stand up, reaching for his hand to help him off the ground. He sways a little when he stands, blinking before regaining his balance. "Thanks for helping Soph. I know I'm not exactly your favorite person." Damon says, having a little lisp from his cheek being swelled. "You're welcome Damon. I couldn't just leave you there, you looked seriously hurt. Is your head okay?" He nods.

I turn to Phil before putting my hand on my hip. "What were you thinking Phil?! You could've killed him!" I snap at him, staring him down. "He was kissing you! I wasn't just going to stand there and watch." He yells back. "I understand, but that doesn't mean you should have thrown him to the ground and punched him! He's a person too, and even though he broke my heart and kissed me just then, that doesn't give you any right to hurt him."

"I didn't want him to hurt you anymore! He was just trying to break you and Dan up so he could have you all to himself. If I can't have you, I would rather it be Dan than Damon any day." Phil states, crossing his arms as he talks. "Wait, what?! If you can't have me?! I'm not an item Phil." I ask, staring at him confused.

"I'm in love with you. I have been since the moment I met you, 5 years ago. I'm sorry that I get a little angry that you picked Dan over me, you haven't known him half the time you have me yet you still chose him. You picked a fan over a friend."

"I-" I state before I take off running towards the entrance of the shopping center, running a little before slowing down to a walk.

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 I slowly make my way back to the flat, and when I open the door, Dan and Phil instantly run into the hallway, Dan pulling me into a hug.

"You scared me so much." He whispers, kissing the top of my head and pulling me closer to him. "I thought I lost you. I instantly came home and your luggage was still here but I wasn't sure because I knew you could just buy more and I-" I cut him off by kissing him.

"Stop worrying. I'm here now aren't I? I'm not going anywhere." I tell him, kissing him once again before taking my shoes off and going into the lounge. I sprawl out on the couch, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. "Are you okay?" I hear Dan ask. I open my eyes to see him leaning over the couch, looking at me.

"I think I should be asking you that. Your best friend just admitted to being in love with your girlfriend." I run my fingers through his hair as I sit up, Dan sitting beside me and laying his head in my lap. He sighs and cuddles closer to me, hugging my waist. "It's just a lot to take in, you know? I didn't know he felt that way and now I'm stuck in between choosing my girlfriend or my best friend." 

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