How This Crazy Thing Works

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Okay, there are a lot of moving parts to this, so I'll start slow. 


If you find anything cool that is Doctor Who related, please feel free to leave a link to it here. Funny pictures (like memes, we love memes), cool websites, good fanfictions, etc. fit into this category. Also anything else that has a link (so essentially everything on the internet). 

Try to avoid 'language', but it's okay if there's a little. 

That's about it for links. 

If there's anyone who you think would like to join Hermits United, you can either tag them or leave a message on their profile for them to join, whichever suits you best. 

We are going to discuss deep Doctor Who topics in the comments, like 'Who's better? Missy or River Song' (it's River btw), 'Where would you rather go for vacation, Trenzalore or Midnight?', and one of the classics, 'Who's the best Doctor?'. 

Also, to keep your fangirl (and boy) minds occupied, I'll be having a trivia each week, on Wednesdays. 

That's about it, thank you for being a part of Hermits United!

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