(M) Arceus x (f) reader lemon

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(Y/n) ran through the woods with here little eevee by her side. She was out on the hunt for some berries and maybe a few new pokemon. She walk 'round the  forest, she jumped over logs and picked mushrooms along the way.
Suddenly her little eevee paused sniffing the air only to come cowering by (Y/N)'s feet.
"What's wrong eve?"
(Y/N) furrowed her brows. Her usually confident eevee was now looking as if it saw a ghost type pokemon. (Y/N) leaned down to comfort her pokemon only for it to snap out of the trance and turn back bolting through the underbrush.
"Eevee! Wai-"
(Y/N) shut her mouth, the hair on the back of her neck standing on end. She heard nothing, the usually noisy pidgeys had gone silent. (Y/N) looked around nothing seemed dangerous, no feral pokemon in sight. It was as if time seemed to slow or if someone how the world had glitched. As soon as it had come it had gone. The bird pokemon made noise once more and no longer had she felt like she was being watch from unseen eyes. But she felt nauseous and weak and walk forward with unsure steps, she turned in a circle. Which way had she come from again? (Y/N) turned again and began walking in that direction, hoping it was the right way home and maybe along the way her eevee would appear. As she walked the sun slowly got weaker and lowered itself.
(Y/N) stopped she spotted what looked to be a abandoned house. Though she had never seen it. She groaned she must have gone the wrong way. She looked up at the sky, dusk was falling all too quickly for her. She walked through the brush and finally made it to the ragged looking porch attached to the house.
She opened the door it was dark inside, she dug around her bag and took out the torch she always carried. She turned it on and walked in.
(Y/n) almost dropped the torch, there was a blood trail and it looked rather fresh leading to one of the bedrooms. She followed it and jumped once she got to the room. She had heard what seemed to be a groan and she saw to be what looked like a tall man lean on the opposite wall.
He had a deep cut on his stomach. His pale skin had bruises and his kimono was stained red. He opened his eyes a tad. Glaring up at you, they were a beautiful scarlet, but before you could get a better look he flinched and groan as fresh blood gored out of the wound.
"Go away!"
His voice was gruff and hoarse and he ended in a fit of coughs.
Though he was a stranger he was still injured and (Y/N) help but to deny the command. She step closer.
"Wai-t I can help you, i think..." her voice quivered and she looked at him with fear in her eyes.
"Do you know who I am mortal! How dare you speak back!"
As he growled and huffed at her she could see how vulnerable he looked, tucked away and shivering, his hands covered in his own blood.
She took 5 more steps closer she stood right in front of him now. He just glared not having the strength to shout again. She crouched beside him, digging through her bag for her first aid.
She dug out a couple berries, bandage wraps, and some disinfectant wipes.
" these'll sting a little but it'll make sure your wound won't get infected."
The stranger only looked to the slide and grunted. She lifted part of his kimono of his stomach and chest. She had never seen a traditional one be worn so casually only during new year's did she ever see people dressed with them. She began to press the wipes to his wound, he flinch but other than that he didn't do anything. She began to put pressure and wad at the wound until no more fresh blood spilled out, she then carefully covered the wound with the wrap after putting some of the liquid of a healing berry she had picked up along the way. She wrapped it around his torso making sure to be careful just in case.
She dug through her bag again and found some of the sweet berries she picked. She held it out to him.
"Please eat it"
With a untrusting hand he warily grab it from her, sniffed it and began to eat. He was unusual to say the least. He didn't seem to be another pokemon trainer and his skin was very pale as if he didn't get out much, and those beautiful red eyes too... he was definitely something else.
After he had finished the berry he clenched his throat in one hand as if to say he was thirsty. (Y/N) shuffled through her bag looking for a water bottle, she handed it to him.
After chugging down the bottle he throw to the side making (Y/N) jump and the man chuckle.
"You're very strange mortal..." he whispered to himself his brows furrowed in concentration. (Y/N) felt a flare of anger. She had just saved his life! And now he's calling HER strange?! Where did you even get that wound? Where had he come from? Why was he wearing such a traditional
"You're pretty strange yourself." (Y/N) muttered which made him glare and raise one eyebrow. And she was yet again looking at those beautiful crimson eyes, such a beautiful scarlet it was...
(Y/N) had gotten herself and the man comfortable finding dusty pillows and old blankets.

It had been a couple days since she first met 'A' as he liked to call himself. (Y/N) had yet to find her way back home, she was also worried where her eevee could be. She had stayed with A changing his bandages and making sure he was fed. He was very strange and didn't say much about himself. Today (Y/N) had gone out for some berries, once coming back to the abandoned house she saw A outside pacing back and forth. He was looking better and no longer had a limp. As soon as (Y/N) entered the clearing his head shot up and he gave a twitch of his lip, but sadly didn't smile. As (Y/N) got closer he stood stiff.
"Is something wrong?" (Y/N) asked.
"I have to leave" he growled
"What why? Is your house close by? It wouldn't be good for you to wander around while still healing."
He gave a chuckle. Before turning back round and with a flash of blinding light, there stood the god like pokemon himself....

Hey I'm sorry for cutting it short but I will make a part 2 with the lemon that was requested. Btw this is not edited and it's like 3 am so I need sleep so there will be errors

Pokemon Gijinka x reader: oneshots,limes,and lemonsWhere stories live. Discover now