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Ashley's P.O.V.

I bumped into him on a street corner. What began as a freak accident, became the best moment of my life.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry!", I exclaimed, crouching to help him pick up the now scattered papers.

"That's alright.", a deep voice chuckled. I looked up, my icy blue eyes meeting a pair of dazzling emerald ones. He stood, my eyes following, and blew his shaggy black hair from his face, "You should really get up before-", he stopped short, grabbing my hand and pulling me up as a biker flew by us, shouting profanities at me. "-you get trampled.", he finished, "What an ass." I giggled a little,

"Thank you."

"Anytime." He glanced at his shiny watch, then around us, "Shit. I'm late for an interview." I glanced down at my own silver watch,

"Oh no. Me too actually."

"Well, good luck."

"You too." He turned and began walking the same direction I'd been going, right next to me. "So is your interview really this way, or is this just your way of stalking me?", I asked, keeping my eyes straight ahead. I saw him look at me out of the corner of my eye before he chuckled,

"Well, yes. My interview is this way, but it's nice getting to look at you some more." I blushed,

"You're not too hard on the eyes either mister."


"Ashlyn." We turned into the same tall building as he held the door open for me. I walked in, my heels clicking on the tile floor, before looking to him, "Looks like we're competing Zach. I'd wish you luck, but I really need this job. So, no offense, but please blow it." He chuckled again, walking towards the front desk,

"I'll have you know, I don't just compete-"

"Mr. Taylor you're ten minutes late for your interview.", the middle aged woman with curly red hair informed him, "Lucky for you, she's late as well.", she said looking to me. Zach turned back to me,

"I win.", he finished his prior sentence, "Ms. Chansley, you're ten minutes late.", he informed me, reading the papers now in his hands. "Ashlyn Chansley? Really?", he asked, looking back at me. I rolled my eyes,

"Don't get me started. I hate my last name."

"Well, maybe I'll change that." I brushed off the comment,

"And I happen to know that you are late as well.", I smirked. He smiled,

"Touche." He turned to the elevator as I followed quickly, "This interview is over.", he voiced, stepping into the box as I stood in front of him, shocked by his comment,

"Mr. Taylor-"

"I'll see you Monday at eight o'clock, sharp." I smiled,

"Thank you. I'll be there." I turned to leave as he stopped me,

"And Ms. Chansley?"


"Don't be late."


"Zach?", I called, walking into his office. He looked up from his laptop,

"Babe, office. We talked about-"

"I know we did but I have to tell you something and if I was your assistant, it'd be a problem so I'm your girlfriend right now.", I rambled.

"Okay, what's wrong love?"

"I'm pregnant."


"You're a bitch!", Dylan shouted from the top of the stairs. I took a deep breath, laying my hands on my- for once- flat stomach,

"Dylan Michael Taylor you do not speak to me that way.", I scolded, "I suggest you go to your room and think about who the hell you're talking to."

"I know who the fuck I'm talking to- a bitch." He turned and stomped to his room, slamming the door. I let out a breath and went to the living room where Grayson was helping Braxton with homework.

"Mama, you okay?", Grayson asked me. I nodded,

"Yeah baby. I'm fine.", I said softly, "Just wondering how you were so easy and your brother is so difficult."

"He's just being rebellious. I am too, I just pick my moments." Grayson was fourteen, Dylan was twelve and Braxton was seven. Dylan was the hard kid.

"I need to go talk to him.", I sighed. Grayson nodded,

"Brax, let's go for a walk, yeah?" Braxton nodded, jumping up and grabbing his jacket before hugging me. I kissed his blonde hair,

"Be good for Grayson." He nodded. Braxton didn't talk much, he never has. I looked to Grayson, "Be back for dinner. Be careful."

"Okay mama."


I gave Dylan and I about ten minutes to calm down before making my way up to his room,

"Dyl?", I knocked softly.

"What?", he spat. I walked in as he stopped pacing and looked to me, "Go ahead. Fucking lecture me more like it's gonna do anything-"

"You're right.", I stopped him, "My lectures don't do anything. Maybe I should just call your dad so he can give you a lecture with his belt." Dylan froze before falling to the floor in a ball of tears,

"I-I'm sorry.", he sobbed, "Pl-Please don't c-call dad!" I sighed,

"Sweetie, you know better than to act like that. Why did you?" He sniffled, holding his knees to his chest,

"I-I just had a really bad day and-and I took it out on you and I'm so s-sorry."

"I forgive you. But this is why you have to talk to me, alright?" He nodded. "Why did you freak out about me telling your dad?" He glanced up at me,

"I'm scared of dad.", he whispered, more tears falling, "So scared of him mama.", his voice cracked as he laid his head on his knees, sobbing. I sat in front of him, petting his hair softly,

"Shh, it's alright baby. Calm down, I've got you Dyl." I hugged him tightly as he clung to me, still sobbing. "Love, your dad would never hurt you. Or any of us."

"I-I know he just really scares me." I pushed his hair from his face, wiping his tears,

"I know baby. Honestly, he scares me too sometimes. But I just remember how much he loves us and how he'd never intentionally hurt us. Ever." He nodded slightly. "Promise me that the next time you have a bad day, you'll just talk to me baby."

"Okay mama."

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