Swan Dive

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Izuku's POV
Happiness doesn't exist, at lest not any more. It died alongside my mom, killed by the thing that calls its self my 'father'. There was no justice for her, no investigation to find out what happened to her, nuthing. All that was done for her was, to be marked as a missing person, then rolled it to be a suicide, and never to be looked into again. Why was nuthing done for her? Well most of the cops in the city are on the old mans pay roll or are to afeared of him to go poking around to bring justice for my mom. So much so they 'lost' mine and my brother Tomura's eye witnesses accounts to what happened.

She would bering a symphony of colors were ever she went. Was now pale and lifeless, her skin all most transponent. Her loving smile would warm even the coldest of harts, a laugh that could chase away the stormist of skies, was now gone. The memory of her emerald green eyes that ounces saw the good in everyone and held the the belief that you could achieve your dreams no matter what! Even when you, youself could not see it, but it was now gone. In their place was two lifeless sockets that ripped into you soul, in poisoned your heart, and visually stabbed it with a dull and rusted blade.

She would use herself to sheld Tomura and I from our 'father'. He would off ten use us as his test subjects, in his sick experiments that he took extreme pleasure from. So much so he would rape mom in frunt of us, all the while she pleading with him to at lest not to do it in frunt of us. His experiments offten left scars all over our bodys. Except our faces, because after all we had to be presentable.

Hell the only reason she stayed with him was for us, because if she had left him she would lose both Tomura and I. She knew this because it had happened before. 'Father' was married once be for, to Tomura's mother, but once they separated the man did very thing in his power to make shore that she never saw her son ever again. He went as far as to not let Tomura to go to his own mother's fewneral. After he drove her over the edge. There was no justice for her either. But soon that will change, it will all change.

The people in his city may to far up the old mans ass or to afraid of him to do anything. But the people in a city about 10 hours away, were not. Hell a man in that city almost brot down his entire criminal empire once be for, maybe he could do it again! And all it would take to start the him end of him, would be my death.

The cop may have 'lost' most of the original evidence for my mom, they did not 'lose'/ have all of it or the copies. I managed to get my hands on it not only for my mother Inko, but also for Tomura's mother as well (what little evidence there was for her).They maybe to afraid to risck their own lives but, not the life of the 12 year-old son of the man they fear so much.

Putting all the evidence I had into my backpack, I put on my favorite white hoodie over a plan black T-shirt, along with a black facemask, slipping on his red sneakers and grabbed my green wind braker hat and what cash I had. Then out the door I went.

~Time Skip~

No One POV
Izuku stood on the roof of an old abandoned school house. He took off his bright red shoes, and put them next to his old yellow backpack. Finally he took out two letters, one address to a man named Toshinori Yagi (He was the one who almost took down his father). The other was to his brother Tomura. Izuku placed the letters underneath his shoes. He looked up at the night sky one last time. "I'm comeing home mom."

Izuku jumped.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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