Chapter 2

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And Storm is back with Chapter 2! Sadly, I had no time to make another design so I'll try to make 2 for next chapter! Speaking about chapters, not really tbh, I'm thinking about making another book! Maybe an art book or a MHA Chatfic book! I honestly have no idea, so I'd like to see what you guys would prefer! I can also make ship stories, like MomoJirou, OchaTsu, TokoTsu, basically anything!

Anyways, let's go to the real writing!


Tsuyu looked up at the sky, the sun was at it's highest point. She had just finished having her snack of berries, which was a smart and dumb move cause the battles were supposed to be played soon. They took a long time, sometimes they last until Mid-Night, which made them loose sleep. She looked over at Uraraka, who was looking down in fear. Her face was much different than from the morning. Tsuyu started to think, deep in her thoughts.

"Who would I be paired with? Ochaco-chan would be obvious but easy, her power is much lower than mine and I really have no draw backs. Midoriya-Kun would be a bit rougher. He thinks quick but usually mumbles a lot, slowing down his movements. It wouldn't be hard unless he got close, where my tongue would be very uncomfortable. Denki, Aoyama, Mina, and Momo would be easy. Iida, Todoroki and Ojiro would be harder, but it's a low chance I'd go with them. Todoroki would probably get with Deku, as they're both pretty strong. Iida would match up with Ochaco-Chan, as they are friends and usually hesitate to go against each other. Ojiro would probably go with Momo, and probably win, as Momo lacks confidence and trust in herself. I honestly can't think who I'd be paired up with-"

"Every fighter and defense in training, meet me and Torino in the training zone in 5 minutes!" Nana Shimura cut off Tsuyu. Tsuyu looked up to see Nana and Torino leaving the camp. Tsuyu got confused, the battles were meant to happen in the field where they stayed in their side. Why were they so close to The Shadowstalkers? Tsuyu shook her thoughts away, maybe a change of plans, she thought.

She shivered as she felt someone grab her hand, it was Uraraka. "Tsuyu, can you promise me that if we fight you won't go to hard?" She asked, her voice slightly quivering. Tsuyu felt bad, Uraraka didn't know how a fight really was. This was her first ever one. Tsuyu nodded and gave a sympathetic smile, "Alright, Ochaco-Chan, but that doesn't mean I'll go very easy on you. And you shouldn't either. Move like the wind and you'll be fine" Tsuyu reassured. She let go of Uraraka's hand and started to run to the training zone, not wanting to be late. She smiled confidently, knowing she had a high chance of winning. But soon... she regretted every ounce of confidence she had.

Timeskip brought to you by me not having any irl friends

Tsuyu looked at Nana Shimura, her face was slightly pale and her body shook slightly. She was talking to the man, who Tsuyu later learned his name was Overhaul, that nearly killed her years ago. She walked up to Torino to ask what she had to do, since she saw her friends talking to other kids she didn't know. They looked hostile and all beaten up. "Tsuyu-San, we have a major chance for our battles. The Shadowstalkers have challenged us to see which kids were stronger. Chigasaki and Nana Shimura are talking about the rules and who goes against who. Chigasaki has informed us that it is better if you kids talk to get to know each other better, saying it will be useful later on.", Torino explained.

"Oh no", Tsuyu thought. She had no idea what the other group was capable of, but she had time to find out. She looked around to see who was open. Kaminari was talking with a red haired boy. Uraraka was laughing with a black haired boy. None seemed open to talk. She looked at the trees to see if anyone was hiding, as soon as she looked, tears streamed down her face...

"I'm sorry, Tsu, but I'm not staying any longer.". Tsuyu gasped lightly in shock, not understanding what she was just told. "Kyoka-Kun, why? Are we not good enough? What happened?", Tsuyu rambled. She wanted answers and she needed them. "Everything here is fine, it's just that... I don't show full potential here. I've heard about The Shadowstalkers and how strong they are, I can be better with them! Why don't you come along? Tokoyami is there as wel!" Jirou exclaimed happily, much different than at first. Tsuyu took a second to think. She loved Tokoyami and wanted to stay with him and Jirou, but could she leave that easily? Everyone would think she was a traitor. "I'm sorry, Jirou-San, but I can't leave. You mean a lot to mean, you know that, but this is my home. I know Tokoyami may be there... but I'll see him again one day." Tsuyu finally spoke. She looked at Jirou's gaze, it was filled with sadness... but understanding. Jirou took a step towards Tsuyu and hugged her tightly. "I understand, Tsu, we may no longer be in the same group but we will always be friends. I hope to be able to speak to you again once our rivalry is over. I know the darkness be cleared one day.". Tsuyu closed her eyes and cried heavily. She didn't like to loose, especially so soon after Tokoyami. Jirou let go of her and walked to the other group's border. She looked over at Tsuyu one more time and smiled gently before heading off. Tsuyu stared, and walked back to the camp. Her heart layed heavy as she questioned if she did the right thing.

"Jirou!" Tsuyu called out as she ran towards her way. She jumped and hugged her old friend tightly. She looked too see Jirou's face in shock, but soon calmed down and hugged Tsuyu back. She smiled and embraced the warm hug. They stayed like that for a good 4 minutes before letting go. Tsuyu smiled and spoke first, "Jirou... it's been so long!". "It's only been a year, Tsu, not very long" Jirou replied playfully.

"I don't like waiting forever, it hurts my heart", she admitted shyly. Jirou nuzzled her cheek and they sat down to talk more.

From another perspective

The black creature stared at the two girls from the shadows, trying not to have an outburst. His eyes narrowed whenever Jirou or Tsuyu occasionally hugged. He looked back to his controller, who nodded his head and brought him back. "How did they act?" The shadow's master asked. "They hugged and even nuzzled each other. They were really happy", he responded, his voice drenched in anger. "She even forgot about me, didn't she? Jirou told me she tried to convince Tsuyu to join, but she declined. Does she even care anymore? It's been years and I haven't forgot about her. Then how could she?" The shadow heard him snarl. In an instant, his controller put him back inside.

"It's been years, Tsu, and you haven't even remembered I'm still here, your "Tokoyami-Kun" is waiting..."

So I kinda lied from last chapter. The battles aren't gonna be here! I have no idea what happened but my head had a new plot in mind and I used it!

Welp, to summarize this chapter, since it was confusing. A new change has happened with the battles, as both groups will have their apprentices fight. Tsuyu met up with Jirou, who left her when they were 10 and were separated for a year! Tokoyami thinks Tsuyu has forgotten about him since she didn't ask about him nor even acknowledged him and Jirou were in the same camp and the next chapter is a suprise!

Also, I've honestly been thinking about stopping this story? I don't think anyone enjoys it or even reads it so I think it's useless to continue writing. I only really write now cause I wanna be able to satisfy myself with the story I always wanted to write, so, idk! If anyone reads this, please let me know if I should stop writing!

Anyways, that's all for today! Bye!

1406 words!


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