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Just a quick note before we start is that I got help in editing this from @SilvermistAnimeLover If you want some background information go check out her story Swan Dive it's super good and I 100% recommend. Her stories are awesome and deserve more love. Also, Silver did all the editing and was a great help. This is our first collab. But I hope you enjoy and for all of my followers who wait for updates if you read this I'm sorry to say but The Phsycos are here will be on hiatus with maybe some random updates. Green Devil will also have really slow updates. But anyway go and check out Silvers stories their really good. I hope you enjoy!

Eri Nabaro was giddy with excitement, having finally been able to schedule an interview with Aizawa Shouta—better known as The Underground Pro Hero, Eraserhead. He had everything set up. His quirk, which was conveniently called 'Interview', allowed him to keep a mental recording of interview conversations, and at any time he could go back and replay said interview in his head.

The Pro he'd been waiting for walked through the door quietly, his bloodshot eyes downcast. Dark purple bags born from sleepless nights framed black, calculating, eyes as he sat down in front of the reporter. Eraserhead's famed Capture Weapon hung loosely around his neck as his signature yellow goggles peeked through the folds. His unkempt black hair hung limply at his shoulders. He wore his usual hero costume, which consisted of his black jumper and grey utility belt.

Aizawa gave a long-suffering sigh as he motioned with his hand for the reporter to get a move on. The Hero really didn't want to be there but he was due for his yearly interview, regardless.

"Hello, Eraserhead, I'm Eri Nabaro! But you can just call me Eri!" The reporter exclaimed brightly, causing the pro to scowl.

Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance at the overly joyful reporter. "Just call me Aizawa when I'm not on the clock." His voice was monotone and carefully controlled to not show the irritation he felt towards the overly cheerful reporter.

"Ok, then, Aizawa. We can start with the questions whenever you're ready!" The reporter's brown eyes turned a glowing green, indicating the activation of his Quirk. Aizawa just waved his hand nonchalantly for the reporter to continue.

"Ok, first question. How does your quirk work?"

"I can temporarily nullify someone's Quirk when I look at them. It doesn't work on mutant types because of the way those Quirks affect their body." Aizawa demonstrated by activating his quirk, his eyes glowed an eerie red as his black hair began to float along with his Capture Weapon.

"That's so cool!" Eri shouted. The dark-haired man was quick to silence the reporter with a glare. "Oops, sorry" Eri apologized while shrinking in on himself for a moment, before quickly bouncing back to his chipper self.

"So, Aizawa, what made you want to become an Underground Pro Hero?"

The Pro was silent for a moment. There was a seriousness and a sadness in his eyes when he finally spoke. "...I made a mistake when I was younger. It made me realize that my place is in the shadows—unseen." Eri nodded and continued on with the questioning, easily picking up on the sensitivity of the topic.

"Why did you expel your entire class?" Eri asked with the tilt of his head.

Aizawa gave a long-suffering sigh. "I expelled them because they had zero potential. They wanted to become heroes for all the wrong reasons—money, fame... They had no concept of just how dangerous this job really is. Most rookies don't survive half a decade as a pro." Aizawa's eye twitched in irritation, and Eri quickly changed the subject.

"What do you think is the most important quality of being a Hero?"

The man thought for a minute. "Heart. Heart and the ability to adapt to any situation as needed."

"It'll keep you alive, in this field," Aizawa added as an afterthought.

"So, Aizawa! How do you teach and patrol all the time with the little amount of sleep you get every day?" Eri was genuinely confused about how he taught a class full of rowdy teenagers and still did a patrol every night, which could go on until the early hours of the morning.

Aizawa gave a light chuckle at his confusion. "Coffee and energy jelly. And ten-minute power naps whenever I can." Eri looked slightly unnerved at the information. "Sleep where you can, when you can."

"How long have you been married to Hizashi Yamada?" Eri was excited to know how long the two lovebirds have been married.

Aizawa smiled gently, though he tried to hide it in his scarf. "We're nearing our five year anniversary."

"Oh, Congratulations!" Eri gave a bright smile, and the man nodded in response.

Eri smirked before asking, "Will you adopt any more kids in the nearby future?"

"I don't have any plans to, but that's up to my Problem Child, not me." The man was smirking, and Eri had a slight pout on his lips.

"What's it like working at UA?" Eri's eyes shinned with wonder as he thought about what it was like to work at UA; it must be amazing to be able to mold the young minds of future heroes.

"Hectic." Aizawa deadpanned, snapping the reporter out of his thoughts. "It's rewarding in its own way, though. It feels good to watch these kids grow up and become strong independent heroes. Even those not in the hero course go on to become something great. It's got its own charm. The staff could use some work, though." Eri was a little disappointed with the answer but it was still an answer none-the-less.

"Who is your most problematic student?" Eri was a little more curious than he should have been.

"Hm..." He tilted his head as he thought. "I have quite a few problem students this year. Katsuki's anger is being curbed, thank God... Izuku's coming into his confidence more and more each day... I'd have to say Todoroki is the one that bothers me the most right now. I'm worried about his home life." His brows furrowed slightly in worry before smoothing out again.

"What made you want to start working as a teacher at UA High School?" Now Eri was very curious about this one. What made this cold-hearted Pro want to teach a bunch of annoying teenagers? To raise them to be the next generation of heroes?

"Midnight wouldn't leave me alone about it, and then she recruited Hizashi." The exhausted man rubbed his temples as if staving off a migraine. "Beyond that, the place I had been living kicked me out because I took a pay cut and couldn't make rent. Sleeping in my car was not fun. I took the job to get off the streets."

Eri started at Aizawa with a dumbfounded look, that was not the answer that Eri had been expecting. He had been expecting something like wanting to make sure the next generation of heroes were capable of being... well, Heroes. Not that he needed to get off the streets. He must have been staring for too long because when he came back to himself Aizawa was glaring at him. "Ohh s-sorry. Well, that's all the questions I had."

Eri stood from his sitting position, dusting off his pants and smoothing the wrinkles from his shirt. Aizawa also stood, shoving his hands in his pockets as he turned to leave, Eri following behind.

Once they made it outside Eri spoke. "Thank you so much, Eraserhead for letting me have this interview with you! It was a pleasure."

The man turned and sighed, looking beyond exhausted. "Yeah, yeah. Just don't call me again for another year." He sent the reporter a mild glare before loosing his Capture Weapon and swinging off to a nearby rooftop. Eri watched as Eraserhead disappeared into the night.

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