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you're the one

i fell in love with you the moment i saw you. college orientation, spring of 2019. i don't remember when you walked into the room, but i do remember looking up from my phone and you being there. you sat in front of me, maybe a row or two.

-since you're like a billion feet taller than me, i just want to put it on record that it was rude, lol.

lucky for you though, i didn't pay much attention to our leaders. truthfully i spent the entire day thinking about how i'd introduce myself to you. i told myself that if i were going to have a good college experience, i'd have to know you.

i promise you, that was a thought that crossed my mind. i knew that if i were to survive college, i'd have to do it with you by my side.

sadly, i tend to get nervous when it comes to new people. i didn't talk to you that day. my heart hurt when i left, thinking we'd never see each other again.

because i knew that i was in love with you.

and not necessarily in a romantic way, yet.

the moment i saw you, and to this day thinking about this moment, my heart stops. my chest is heavy. i feel as if my heart is trying to escape my body, i feel it in my throat. like it could burst at any moment, simply because it is so full.

the moment i saw you i wanted to know your mind better than the back of my own hand. i wanted to run my hands through your hair, wrap my arms around your waist, i needed to know what your hands would feel like in mine. i needed to see your bare chest in all settings and circumstances.

what do you look like after a shower?

what do you look like when you wake up?

when you've rushed to class?

when you're sleepy?

I wanted to be there for your highest highs, and your lowest lows. i'll hold you up when you cannot hold yourself and i will carry you for as long as you need, because even though i hadn't known you yet, i knew you'd do the same for me.

i'm not 100% sure where i'm going with this... point is, i am so in love with you.

I fell in love with your mind, your heart, your soul, your face (duh), your humor, what you stand for, your body (duh again), your eyes, your kindness, i love you more then you'll ever know.

what sucks is that i cannot, for the life of me, put that love into words.

i feel myself physically overflowing with admiration and adoration for you, and yet i cannot string together a list of words to describe how much you mean to me.

i also cannot count the amount of times i have thanked God, or whoever is in charge, for allowing us to cross paths time and time again. 

emotions, but make it artsyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz