truth or dare.

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jai imagine - truth or dare.

Truth or dare?" you asked Jai.

"Truth" he replied.

"Tell me about the girl you like" you say smirking slightly.

You laugh as your best friend Jai tries to throw a piece of candy in the air and catch it in his mouth. He missed his mouth completely and the candy bounced off somewhere under the desk. The two of you were sitting cross-legged on your bedroom floor in the dark. It had been light enough outside earlier that you didn't need the light on.

"Maybe you should practice your skills and then you can be as good as me" you say attempting to catch a piece of candy in your mouth. Your attempt failed as it bounced off your forehead and fell on the floor.

"Wow, you're so much better than me. You must show me your ways" Jai jokes. You giggle, "Hey, you never answered your question."

"Which question?" he asks. "Tell me about the girl you like" you repeat.

He sighs. "Fine". He shifts slightly, "Well, we're really, really close. We talk like every day. She's so smart, she keeps me where I'm supposed to be. I don't see her as often as I'd like but she always has a part of me" he says, staring into your eyes. "y//n I'm talking about you. I've never been able to find the words or the courage to tell you. I can't stand being away from you" he confesses.

"Well, I like this boy too. He always walks me home because he likes to know I'm safe. He knows everything about me. I've always been too afraid to tell him because he's always leaving and I will be soon" you told him, watching intently for how he'd react.

"I've been waiting for this for so long" he said, his hand softly touching yours. "I really fucking love you" he whispered, "and I'm sorry. I know I'm not always here and I'm away so much, but please give me this chance" he pleaded.

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