Im sorry please forgive me

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(Mercy is in the hospital)
Jayy's pov:
I turned around to see a man who was almost as tall as me and he looked at me and looked like he was going to kill me.
The man then screamed "WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?HUH?YOU HANGING AROUND WITH GAY GUYS DOSENT WORK MERCY YOUR JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER A TERRIBLE PERSON WHO DESERVES TO DIE!!!!" Some nurses and doctors came In and took him out to the hallway She then said "jayy he's right I am worthless and I always will be I was about to hit her for saying that I then said "don't you ever say that again because I love you and you are not worthless" she then stopped hugging me and picked up the cord that was keeping her alive and held it in her hand. I then yelled "DONT YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT MERCY". She then said "what not? It's not like I have anything to love for anyways". Andy was the first one to run over and hold her down dahvie pulled me away from her while Andy , Ronnie, and the rest of the guys stared to get her to calm down as that was happening I ran out of the hospital and kept running and running till I found a old playground I stared to think and I said to myself I'm so happy mercy just turned 18 now we could really be together forever
Mercy's pov:
I was on the hospital bed and I saw sally taking to the doctor she finally came up to me and told me "we finally officially adopted you" I then said "okay so when am I leaving the hospital?" She then said "right now!" I got up and put a botdf t-shirt on pink skinny jeans and black combat boots and my iggy boo jacket i walked out side and stared to run to find jayy I came across a playground and I saw jayy crying I walked up behind him and I stared to look at him I walked up closer to him and said " well this is ironic" he looked behind himself and saw me and I sat down next to him as we watched the sunset go down together I stared to shiver and he held me close and put his jacket on
Me and kissed me on the top of my head he then asked "what makes this so ironic?" I then said the fact that this is the park that you guys found me in and instead of you saving me this time I saved you from doing something stupid that you would regret forever" he then asked "mercy?" I stared into his eyes and said "yes jayy?" He then said "I hope you know that I'm sorry and I will always love you" then he stared to cry. I said "yes I know I will always love you I forgive you jayy and I hope you can forgive me for acting so stupid and wanting to commit suicide" he then kissed me on the lips and he said "I will always love you know matter what happens" and I said "me too".
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you guys are liking the book so far what I been trying to do is make the part 1 of this book mercy and jayy and part 2 of this book odie and jeffree

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