Chapter 14

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I lay in bed and a warm, fuzzy feeling filled my heart as I thought of all the perfect moments with Kian in the past month. But the fact that I couldn't breathe out of my nose, and the fact that my throat felt scratched raw, seemed to put a dampener on the whole wonderful memories thing. I sighed to myself. It was going to be a sick day, and everyone was going out today; Sophie and Harry, Nina, Izzy, and of course myself and Kian. But here I was, with one of my dreaded colds coming on. And we'd arranged to meet at my house at eleven to decide what we were doing. It was now quarter to eleven, so I had fifteen minutes in order to look like a reasonably cute sick person, so that my boyfriend of only one month didn't hit the ground running. I flung off my tatty short pyjamas, and desperately looked for something nicer. Rifling through my pyjama drawer I realised that I definitely need to go sleepwear shopping. Absolutely nothing at all that remotely resembled my idea of cute pyjamas was found in that drawer. I turned around and suddenly noticed something hanging on my door. My fluffy bunny onesie. It would have to do. I grabbed my hair brush from my beyond cluttered dressing table and yanked it through my hair. Shocker, it still looked like a bird raised three generations of chicks in it. "Textured" high pony tail it was. A swiped on some vanilla lip balm and gave myself a quick once over in the mirror. I looked disgustingly sick, but in an almost sweet way. This was a proud moment. The doorbell rang.
"I'll get it!" I yelled, realising I was speaking only to myself, because Lauren and Oscar rarely made appearances outside of their bedrooms before 12:00 o'clock on a Sunday. I raced down stairs, pausing only when I stood face to face with the door so I could get my breathe back. Attic bedrooms do have their pros and cons, I guess. I put on my sweetest smile and opened the door. Kian stood before me on the porch and the others stood by the gate.
"Well, I wouldn't say that was practical for a London outing, but I guess it's your choice." He remarked.
"I'm sick, you div." I rolled my eyes at him.
"Too sick to go ice skating?" He turned to everyone at the gate, and Harry chucked him a parcel, which Kian then handed to me.
"Beautiful wrapping, I have to say!" I said sarcastically, as I looked down at the scrunched tacky gold wrapping paper with random bits of over lapping tape stuck all over.
"It's the inside that counts?" Kian offered. I giggled and began to tear the paper. Inside there were two adorable woollen gloves, in a perfectly festive shade of red.
"These are so sweet! Who helped you pick them out?" I smirked.
"Uh, my little sister. But you like them?" He said.
"Yes, I do. Thank you." I said. Kian pointed to his cheek, suggesting that I should kiss him.
"Kian, I'm still sick."
"Ah, yes. Right." He stepped in through the door.
"Bye, losers!" Kian called to our friends who were still at the gate. They turned to us in confusion but Kian just closed the door.
"You're such a weirdo, why am I dating you?" I said, laughing.
"Ava, you can't resist me." He smirked.
"Oh yeah? Well, my brother and sister are going to find it pretty easy to resist if you wake them up, so keep it down." I replied.
"Alright, bossy!" He pouted. I led Kian in to the living room and set the gloves on the coffee table.
"Do you want a drink?" I asked.
"Here, I'll get us a drink, you can find something for us to watch." He said.
"Ah, okay. You know where everything is?"
"Of course. Would you like some hot squash?" He asked.
"That we be perfect, thank you." I smiled, and began flicking through Netflix.

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