Chapter 1. The Newbe!

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Dear Diary,
Its De a.k.a Deane,
So today was my first day at Magistic High , a highschool for the gifted and mighty.
Tbh i love the uniform tho , it's got a vintage vibe to it specialy the Skirt.
Moving on, today was uniquely awesome.
I met this guy today , actually two guys, but we talk about that later, for now... this guy i met , his name was Aer, short for Aerin. I bumped into him in the hallways trying to find my
class . Surprisingly all he said was "you're late miss" and he took my hand and stormed us to this class room , where some exam was being held... so we entered and sat at the very last bench .. beside him there was a pretty blonde girl , who refused to even look at me and for some reason only talked to Aer.

Magistic Diaries : madness!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن