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Alexis POV
I grab her outfit and head upstairs as I hear Colby "No Luna get back here" he said as I see Luna running and Colby going after her I start laughing as I know she wants to have fun she starts running and she gets close enough to where I can grab her "Oh Luna you just love running don't you?" I said as Colby started laughing holding a towel to dry her off with "Here let's go to the bathroom" I said holding Luna "That's a good idea" he said as I chuckled we got to the bathroom he dried her off and then we put her purple shirt on that said "Mommy's little rotten princess" it was adorable after I put it on her and sat her down on the floor she ran out of the bathroom and downstairs "Thanks Colby" I said smiling and giving him a hug "No problem but she's fast" he said hugging me back then letting go "Yea she's one hyper puppy at least she has Circa, Navi, and Buddy to play with" I said smiling "Yea she's gonna have some fun" he said laughing "well I better go feed her but once again thank you" I said smiling then I walked away "Wait Alexis!" Colby said as I turned around near the steps and he jogged over to me "Yea?" I said as we looked into each others eyes as we stood there quietly I feel my cheeks heat up and I start smiling as he puts his hands on my cheeks and leans forward I lean forward as well and close my eyes as I feel his soft gentle luscious lips press against mine after the kiss we stood there for a few seconds "thanks" I said smiling then I head downstairs and out of nowhere the girls squeal "I know her outfit is adorable" I said still blushing playing that situation over and over in my mind "Not that come here" Cassie said as Tara Kat And Devyn followed us out back all the way on the other side of the pool "What? I'm scared and confused" I said laughing a little "You and Colby kissed we were in the other room and seen it" Tara said as I smiled "Yea but it probably meant nothing" I said my smile slowly fading away realizing he probably did it as a your welcome or as a friendly thing how stupid could I be "No he likes you and you like him" Kat said "Yea she's right Alexis he likes you so don't go thinking that it probably was just a friendly thing because the way he kissed you I or we could tell it wasn't more than a friend thing in fact he kissed you because in his eyes he sees this beautiful girl who has a great personality, who makes him smile and laugh, who makes him feel like he never did before, who laughs at his jokes when no one else gets it, who listens to him when other people are to busy, who isn't scared to take chances, who enjoys the things he does, he did it because he doesn't just see this perfect girl but sees someone who has the prettiest smile the prettiest eyes the prettiest laugh in his eyes this girl makes his day 10x better and gives him more than just a few reasons to get up and get dressed no this girl gives him 1000x more reasons to laugh more smile more to open up more and to love you more. He loves you because he sees all of your flaws and those flaws and your perfections are what make him fall in love with you harder each day. He loves you. You love him. So that kiss wasn't just a friendly thing it was a I love you for who you are and don't change who you are kinda kiss" Devyn said as I smiled and thought about it "really?" I said still not believing it "YES!" They yelled at the same time I start giggling "Ok thanks guys and Devyn especially thanks for that speech that boosted my confidence" I said smiling and then we went into a group hug "I wanna make dinner and I was thinking about homemade spaghetti and maybe some breadsticks" I said "that sounds good"Cassie said "Better see if the boys are ok with it" Tara said sighing "Yea" Kat said laughing as I giggled to we entered the house and seen the boys talking and filming a video "Hey do you guys want some homemade spaghetti and breadsticks?" I asked as they all looked at me and thought about it "Yea" they all said in unison "Okay I'll go shopping for some ingredients" I said grabbing Colby's keys and heading out the door I got in the car and heard a knock "Hey can I come?" Colby asked as I nodded yea "Ok why are you taking my car?" He asked "Because your keys were downstairs and mine were upstairs" I said laughing after I put the aux cord in and played '1D- The Little Things' as Colby looked at me with shock "Yes I'm a 1Direction fan" I said laughing as we arrive at the store we head in and I went to get the ingredients and Colby went to get clothes after I was I done I was heading to the make up isle and Colby had ran up behind me and scared me "Colby! That's not nice I'm telling Elton" I said acting mad as he laughed "I'm so scared" he said acting frightened "That's right you better be" I said sticking my tongue out at him as we made it to the make up isle I see a few things I could get for Luna so I put them on the cart and continued to the make up after I got what I wanted we headed to the register "Hello guys did you find everything all right?" The nice lady asked at least I thought she was nice until she kept giving me death glares I so badly wanted to punch her "i hope you have a nice rest of your day" she said and I couldn't whelp what came out of my mouth "Yea well I hope you go to hell" I said grabbing the last bag and walking away as Colby looked shocked we got in the car and drove home "Why did you say that" he said confused "She was giving me death stares" I said grabbing the bags out of the back of the car I head in and call for Luna "Luna baby where are you!?" I yelled but no response I kept looking around the house and didn't find her "Guys! Where's Luna?" I said freaking out "I don't know" Sam said as I seen the back door opened and when I went out the gate was opened "Fuck!!! LUNA!!!!" I yell as loud as I can "LUNA!" I said as Sam grabbed his keys and me and him went to his car while driving I see a group of people "Hey did you guys see a little golden retriever?" I asked as you could tell my voice was shaky "no sorry" they replied "ok thanks" I said as he pulled away I rolled my window down "LUNA!!" I said as I start crying and my hands start shaking "It's fine maybe she's in the house but you missed her let's go back and see" Sam said as I nodded ok we got to the house as I got out the car as fast as I could shut the door and ran inside "LUNA!!" I say as I see her playing she runs to me and I hug her crying "Babygirl where were you" I said not caring at all that my voice hurts from screaming "Welcome to the prank-" Corey said as I cut him off "Fuck you guys and your stupid ass prank wars I thought she ran away she could have been killed there's coyotes out there I was crying my eyes out in Sam's fucking car I don't give one fuck about prank wars I care about not loosing family and friends I also care about other people's fucking feelings Colby was you in on this is that why you came with me?" I asked all fielded up still holding Luna "No I seriously wasn't and didn't have a clue about this" he said he came over and tried to hug me "No I don't want any hugs" I said putting Luna down and getting the ingredients out "Look we're sorry well they are I just got here when you was yelling at them" Elton said giving me a hug "I said I don't want any hugs "Sorry" he said walking away I finished making dinner "Here guys dinner is ready" I said annoyed and mad I hate prank wars but this only calls for revenge I go upstairs and talk to Devyn "Hey so you know how Corey pranked me how about we prank him by us being dead on the floor with fake blood and a knife next us so it looks like someone killed us" I said......

To Be Continued......
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