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I have loved you since the first day we met.
She spoke softly, leaning her head onto his chest as he held her in his arms.

He gripped her hand and shut his eyes so tightly he saw shapes, all in an attempt to push back the tears. I've always loved you, he said in a raspy voice.

I never meant to keep secrets from you—I'm sorry it turned out this way... if only I didn't, her voice became tight in her throat and she sobbed, if only I didn't listen to him—if only I trusted and came to you this wouldn't have—

It was never your fault, he replied, hugging her tightly to him. If only I loved you better...

She chuckled through her sobs, only shaking her head. Look how pretty the snow is, she looked up and smiled softly. It was just then her eyes began to close slowly. Her hand started to slip and let go of his and fell to her side. He cried and screamed out into the crisp winter air for her to come back to him.

Oh, how he wished he could watch the spring flowers bloom again with her by his side, one more time.

Oh, how he wished he could watch the spring flowers bloom again with her by his side, one more time

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BURNING HEART • kimetsu no yaibaWhere stories live. Discover now