My headcanon about bumblebitch

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Yes hello again peasants, it is I, your gracious and merciful ruler. No, I don't have 12 feet.

I said I would explain, well here I am.

And now, we shall take a trip all the way back to 1980~ Hold on to your soda, it's going to get bumpy. And remember, this is a headcanon, so don't hate~


So, I think that after defeating Grindelwald, Damnbledore saw how much power he held over the people, however he noticed that not everyone was trusting of him. He kept trying things to get more people to follow him, and it worked, somewhat. And then in 1980, Sybil Trelawney gave her first prophecy. 

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...                                                                 born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...                                          and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...    and either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives.                The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."       

Dumbledore jumped at the opportunity, believing that the Chosen One would be his weapon, his ticket to power that his greedy hands could never have enough of. He knew of two magical families with children on the way, both due near the end of July, the Potters and the Longbottoms.

The Dark Lord ultimately chose Harry Potter, who not only filled the requirements, but was also a half-blood, not unlike himself, and was deemed the greater risk. Then, on that fateful night on the All Hallows Eve of 1981, Voldemort went after the boy. As said in the prophecy, Harry vanquished the Dark Lord. However, he wasn't entirely gone, and the old headmaster knew this. As Hagrid handed the child to the other man, Dumbledore felt the dark magic from the soul shard in Harry's scar. When he realized that the child was a horcrux, he made a few adjustments to his plan. The child would grow up, and the Dark Lord would return. Dumbledore would send the young Potter to find the horcruxes, destroy them, and fight Voldemort, ultimately leading to the boy's death. Albus would deliver the final blow, gain all the credit and glory, and take over.

He placed the young child on the doorstep on Number 4, Privet drive, with nothing more than a blanket, heating charm, and letter explaining to Petunia Dursley what had happened. Minerva McGonagall would try to talk him out of it, saying that they were "the worst sort of Muggles," but he wouldn't listen. He acknowledged it however, believing it would make his plan all that much easier. The Dursley's would abuse Harry, making it so he could mold the boy into the perfect weapon. With his grandfatherly guise and santa clause twinkle, the boy would trust him he knew.

Yeah this is pretty half-baked, but it's the best I got. I might edit this later if I see need to, but for now here you go.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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