The meeting

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Alpha Macaw's pov
             I hope that Gem can get here before these two Lions get hungry, but
after I said that in my mind someone opened the door it was Gem in uniform.I would never think that he would wear the uniform that Natasya
got for him .

3rd person's pov

             All eyes was on Gem then the big white Lion who was almost 9ft. cut the silence saying "Alright lets get to this shall we" staring at Gem, Gem nodded and sit next to his Alpha Zeke
,and questioned him what was going on in whisper.Zeke explained that he was the mate of the two male Lions and was planning to bring him to Africa where they live but Gem was not that suprise because he already expirienced this with other animals like a Tiger but at the end rejected him, and he was relieved because he didn't want to get abused by the tiger.
The two lions introduced them selves, and the lionesses with them the Big white one was Sphere Huntsman, the black one was Spade Huntsman, yada yada the yada blah blah I don't care about the lionesses whatever but after that Gem introduced him self "I am Gem Cornelious I am 21 years old"he said" alright it is settled Gem you will be going with the pride" Alpha Damein said "but I haven't told my mother and haven't packed wet!?!" Gem said "we already packed for you but if you need to get the other things you need to get so you can now go and get it " Alpha Macaw said "oh! and sir Sphere and sir Spade is it ok with you?" Macaw asked "it is ok let the boy get what he needs" Spaid said "alright Gem get the things that you need to get and don't you dare run away!" Alpha Damien said "Ofcourse Alpha" Gem answered.

As Gem got to their house he told his family and he packed his things more clothes, blue prints, his pet Rin the hegehog, and pet Trinity a trantula after he packed more things he went down stair and said goodbye to his family but before he could go his mom and grandma gave him a pendant that is the shape of a heart as he opened it he found pictures of his family he cried and hugged his family one more time...

As he got to the pack house the Lions were waiting for him and the Alphas too.

"I am h-here n-now" Gem said "Good that you are here lets go get in the limo" The white lion said Gem went inside silently and to the farthest seat of the limo the two large lions said their goodbyes to the Alphas and said thank you and went inside sat to where the lionesses was silent for a while then the lionesses started talking and giggling with the two Male lions while  Gem was reading a book and listening to music, after that he took a nap a peaceful nap .

It was dead silent when they heared Gem snoring softly the Lions looked at the peaceful wolf who was very tired.

{You wanna see how he looks while sleeping this is what he looks imagine that his sleeping in a car and I dont own the drawing}

{You wanna see how he looks while sleeping this is what he looks imagine that his sleeping in a car and I dont own the drawing}

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