homecoming. part one

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Blossom smiled heartily as she faced the screaming crowd.

She could hear buttercup groaning on her left side and bubbles screeching happily on the other.

a few months ago at the end of their sophomore year, bubbles had urged them to try out for cheerleading with her since crime was at an all time low, and she had wanted to try something new.

Bubbles has always been the type to want to become a cheerleader, but vowed that she wouldn't do it without her sisters.

said sisters, knowing how much bubbles wanted to try out, finally gave in and decided to give it a shot.

unfortunately for them they actually made the team.

now they stand at their homecoming game, cheering on the crowd as the football boys try and get a touchdown.

cheerleading had its perks, blossom soon found out. She decided it probably looked good on college applications, and it gave her something to do with her time besides studying.

a leading con however was that her least favorite person was on their high schools football team.

"hey books for brain" someone said from behind her. The game had ended twenty minutes prior and the cheer squad decided they were going to join the boys on the football team to go to the local Sonic for food.

she was standing a little ways away from the crowd of teenagers deciding what they all wanted to eat. She was never one for crowds and didn't really care about what they ate. She also found she liked time alone with her thoughts. Staring out at the night sky, even in her uniform and in the weird chilly conditions, was still peaceful.

however, upon hearing the voice of that who was speaking to her, she immediately groaned.

"can't you go bother someone else?" Blossom complained. She knew she sounded like a brat when she whined but she couldn't help it.

"awh come on, I thought you'd wanna see me, I mean your sisters seem ecstatic  to see my brothers shouldn't we be the same?" Brick said throwing an arm around her shoulder.

his hair was damp and tousled around his face, and he showed her a dazzling smile which she promptly frowned at.

"when have I ever been excited to see you?" blossom mumbled in response

"hmm.. well you were excited to see me that one time whenever I came back to school after I broke a bone" he said thoughtfully

"no, I was shocked to see you, not excited" Blossom stated in a matter-of-fact tone, the one everyone always chided her for using.

Brick sighed, seeming suddenly upset. "why do you hate me so much?" he groaned, pulling his arm away from her, "I'm really trying to find a common ground here Blossom.."

she thought about it for a moment before responding. she didn't hate him, that was an overstatement, but she did mildly dislike him.

she assumed it had to be with the fact that he had always made fun of her when she was younger, all throughout middle school him and his brother made fun of the powerpuff girl sisters.

The girls had accepted the boys' apologies in their freshmen year, when the boys were trying to make amends and get their lives together, and while she accepted butch and boomers apology, Brick's she couldn't fully let go of..

she had always taken his insults the hardest, because they always seemed to be true. she was sort of bossy.. and maybe a bit selfish from time to time, and Brick seemed to always highlight on those points.

Blossick Oneshots - Blossom x Brick - PPG x RRBWhere stories live. Discover now