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The universe just doesn't like Kim Jiwoo apparently.

She couldn't believe her eyes. This had to obviously be a joke. Ha Sooyoung was about 30 feet away from her, kissing another girl. She hated the feeling she was getting.

Was this girl the real deal?

Was Jiwoo just a pretty demo?

Her heart couldn't handle it. She sped off, tears in her eyes, clutching her notebook tightly.

She never was officially dating Sooyoung but it always felt like they were. They would hold hands, kiss, do regular things couples do. Guess it didn't mean anything to Sooyoung.

She hated that her universe still revolved around Sooyoung.

The next day, Sooyoung had the nerve to go and find her at her job. That's what she was told by her co-workers at least. Jiwoo wasn't there that day. She needed some time.

The next day, Jiwoo saw Sooyoung and the girl outside of the cafe she worked at as she was working. Her chest felt like it was on fire.

It happened all the time.

Sooyoung would look for Jiwoo the days Jiwoo didn't have any time.

Jiwoo would wait patiently for Sooyoung when Sooyoung was out with her new toy.

It hurt.

The cycle just never stopped.

But Jiwoo didn't want anyone other than Sooyoung.

She didn't care how long it took or anything. Jiwoo's heart was meant for Sooyoung. Meant for Sooyoung to break it. Jiwoo didn't want to give up. She wanted to go against all odds.

So she made sure to continue going to work. Just in case Sooyoung were to stop in. It had been a week since Jiwoo started constantly going to work and there was still no sign of Sooyoung. Jiwoo was losing hope.

They just weren't meant to be.

The door chimed and she looked up to greet the customer as usual. She had already lost her enthusiasm when she accepted the fact that Sooyoung wasn't going to come into the cafe.

"Hello. Welcome to Gardenia! How-" Jiwoo's breath was caught. She couldn't speak. She couldn't even begin to process that Ha Sooyoung, the girl she longed for, the girl she had been thinking of these past days, the girl who shattered her heart was standing right in front of her.

"Hi Jiwoo."

Maybe they could change the odds.

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