Chapter 1

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People tell me all the time that magic does not exist. When i was 9 years old I wanted to see what a alternate reality would look like, how it would look and how it would feel. My parent's, tell me that fantasy does not exist. They don't like and they tell me as much. They often slap and punch me, sometimes they even kick me which brings me down they also call me names its not nice. Its no different at school either i get bullied for being a "daydreamer" and "stuck in my head" people just don't believe in magic. I believe that magic truly exist, you may call me crazy but i know it exist because i've been there. there is this place inside my head that i visit whenever i feel sad, happy, stressed or anything. I have so many good friends there they all make me feel welcomed. You may be thinking "What is this place called?" well i gave it a name.

'"Welcome back Lily!" I turned around to see poppy, My best friend. She had dyed her hair green after I had dyed my hair purple she wanted to be matching. "Hey there poppy! I like your new hair" She creased her hands though her long thin hair "hehe thanks im glad you like it" We walked to poppy's mushroom house together it was surrounded by floating fairy lights. "Hey poppy whats with all the decorations?" She turned to me "I just wanted to add some spice to my life". We both started giggling, but while we were giggling. "LILY GET YOUR ASS INTO THE CAR OR I WILL TAKE AWAY YOUR BOOKS!!!" I was snapped back to reality. My mother was standing in the kitchen as I was in Dorīmurando. crap. "Sorry mother I was busy stressing about this assignment that i have" That was a lie i already finished the assignment it was on mythical creatures even though we are in grade 8 our teacher still loved the idea of a fantasy land. We often have long conversations about Dorīmurando she wishes she could go but of course it's in my head and she cant go.

I arrived at school of course i have no friends so i just sat at my desk writing about my experience in Dorīmurando that i had this morning "Poppy dyed her hair and decorated her house" suddenly " Who's poppy?" I looked up in shock it was scarlet "Oh she is my friend from another school" scarlet looked at me "she seems nice i would love to meet her!" as scarlet was walking away i thought about what she said, she thinks poppy is nice even though she is just a figment of my imagination. We continued in class, I got my grades back A,A,A,A it feels like all i get is As not that that's a bad thing, i just get bullied a lot for it "hahaha the nerd got straight As again" "HAHAHA nerd" I hear that everyday, and no one stands up for me, great. Its not like its bad or anything i mean being called a nerd actually means your really good at schoolwork and that's not a insult!. Sometimes i wish it could be different but in Dorīmurando it is different

I sat down in the ICT Department to eat my lunch, it was lonely but that's why i was in the ICT room i could play around with the robots and i love the robot "Good morning gizmo!" I powered him on and he lit up with energy " Beep boop beep!" I gave my robot a language only me and him could understand so no one else knows what he is saying. "hahaha good morning to you to! now gizmo show me your latest code" When i said that gizmo grabbed a cupcake and handed it to me. "thanks gizmo!" i sat down to eat my cupcake, i forgot to charge gizmo yesterday so i had to shut him down "Goodnight gizmo get some charge tonight!". After i shut him down the lunch bell rang, it was time for swimming. I hate swimming it is always cold in the pool and all we did was water polo and I already played water polo for the school. When we got there the teacher forced us into the pool, everyone was complaining but I just complained in my head. I did not want the teachers to find I was a rude kid.

We had to get into pairs which I hate cause I have no friends. I was just standing in the pool like an idiot "Lily you can you go with scarlet!". Scarlet smiled like she had been gifted a puppy. I smiled back and walked over to her. "Sup Lily!" She went for a high five. Scarlet was the leader of the schools band. It was a blend of a idol group and a band, Scarlet often gave me her photocard's from the last photoshoot they had. Could she want to be my friend? i have always wanted to join the band. "Oh nothing much, i actually didn't hear what the task we had to do  was haha" I was to busy in Dorīmurando to pay attention to the instructions our teacher set us poppy was telling me about how she cleaned her house and how she was concerned for me at school. "Oh we just have to pass this ball around you know typical water polo stuff" We started passing the ball. Scarlet had recently dyed her hair with a streak of pink so some of the dye bled into the poll making it tinted pink. "oh crap i forgot about my hair!!" she was starting to get worried "Don't worry it will be fine just try and avoid the water maybe i will dye my hair to match you so we can both have dyed hair in the pool!" i started to get nervous she would say no and that i am a idiot. " That would be amazing!! you should get a green streak! no maybe purple wait what about-" She listed off every color possible i think i have my first real friend. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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