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A/N. Hey guys thank you for checking out my new one shot book about Daryl and Connie.

For my first story Daryl and Connie are not currently in a relationship. Enjoy.

"Need anything" Connie wrote on her notepad and showed it to Daryl.

"I could always use more bolts for my crossbow" Daryl responded in broken sign language. This wasnt unusual for Connie to ask Daryl if he needed anything before she went on a run.

Dog ran up to Connie and licked her hand, he could tell that Dog licked her. How could he not he thought to himself. Daryl would be lying to himself if he said he didn't at least enjoy her company. How could he not, She was perfect in his eyes.

Connie gave him the 'okay' sign, smiled and left to go on her supply run.

"I dont see why you dont just tell her how you feel" Carol said from the other side of the room.

"Just gimme time" Daryl said in an annoyed tone.

"Ya know, you keep saying that but you still haven't." There was a long silence. "She clearly likes you"

"How can you be so sure?"

"Are you kidding?" She said "Have you seen the way she looks at you?"

"Whatever" Daryl said as he left the house. He wasn't exactly mad at Carol for saying what she did. Just the fact that people keep telling him the same thing. Even Aaron and Kelly have told him that he should just try to tell her how he feels, he just didn't have the confidence to do so.


Connie and the rest of the supply run team which includes Aaron, Jerry and Magna made their way into a small suburban neighborhood.

"We'll go in teams of two and search these houses, Connie you're with me". Aaron ordered.

Connie and Aaron made their way into a house. Connie began to slowly walking up the creaky hardwood steps to the upstairs portion of the now ramshackle house.

In one of the rooms she found a bundle of crossbow bolts that Daryl was asking for. As she searched the other rooms she kept getting distracted by the thought of Daryl. She genuinely likes him and has wanted to talk to him about how he felt, but never had the guts to bring it anytime they were talking. As she was thinking about him a walker snuck up on her and made her fall over.

Connie layed on the floor struggling to keep the walker away from her when Aaron ran upstairs and stabbed the walker.

"Are you okay"? Aaron said with a concerned look

Connie nodded, feeling embarrassed that she was almost hurt due to her not paying attention.

"We should get going". Aaron said.

The two left the house, regrouped with the others and left back to Alexandria.


Daryl sat on the porch of his house for hours waiting for Connie to get back. He did this anytime she went on a supply run just to make sure she arrived safely.

Finally Connie and the rest of the group arrived in Alexandria. Connie saw Daryl and immediately walked up to him and tossed him a sack full of crossbow bolts.

"Thanks. Hey...um can I uh...talk to you in private really quick". Connie gave him a confused look but nodded her head and followed him inside.

"What's up?" Connie signed. Daryl's face became red as he began to sweat.

Daryl practiced everything he wanted to say to her before she arrived.

"I'm sorry of this sounds weird but I uh.. really like you" Daryl's hands were shaking out of nervousness. "I just wanted to know weither or not you felt the same, if not tha-" Connie gently grabbed his hands to stop him from continuing.

Connie grabbed her notepad and scratched something down and showed him

                       Of course I do

"Really" Daryl questioned.


Kind of a short one to start off, but I think it turned out well.

If you have any suggestions or requests please comment them, but otherwise I will see you in the next chapter.

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