My new touring guide

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"omg this is a way bigger school than i expected.....and way posh and way beautiful and the list goes on!!!!"i said

he laughed and said " wow you are joking right? I've been to bigger ones!"

" ok whatever Mr rich boy....i can see your so full of yourself much....anyways back to reality thanks for the tour you've been a great tour guide i really appreciate" i said

" oh no problem!" he winked

" I'll be sure to tell your teacher you did a great job" I said

" oh yeah you do that, I didn't catch your name, mine is Jeremy"

Jeremy got a nice ring to it, I was staring admiring of wanting to kiss him..but of course I didn't

" ok so umm  please come back to reality "he said waving his hands in my face

" wow your....lip-!!" i said But soon covered my mouth

"My Lips?" he said with an awkward look

He must think am a weirdo, a freak
Way to go Annabelle

I got to find something to recover with and fast

" your lips they keep talking and talking "

i don't even know if he was talking

" what!? i asked what's your name? and you call that talkative fine then but you should find a better excuse cause i know you were staring at my lips you don't just stare you make a move " he looked at me like he was some little devilish gentleman

he closed the distance and breath on my neck so softly and leaned in

is he out of his mind Alexandra is gonna kill both of us!

he was about 2 cm away from my lips and then as he was attempting to kiss me he backed away and said

" wow your really focused on kissing me but not talking to me,  you didn't even stop me....i mean i know am hot but seriously, now let's get that name shall we? " he said

wow am so dumb to think that he would kiss me after 2 hours you just met someone so stupid stupid stupid

"my names Annabelle am sorry i just wasn't thinking straight and--"

ring the bell rang

" well that's the bell see you around it was fun talking to you and you staring at my lips... Catch you later" he said with a chuckle

Then he left off and disappeared in the crowd when i went to my locker with a big smile on my face

"WHAT?!!" I said

" why are you smiling ?" Kendra said chuckling

" oh no reason just loving my day" i said

" oh really loving your day or loving your tour guide ? " she said raising an eyebrow

" uh no of course not!! you mean Jeremy h-h-is um h- is just a friend" i said

" mhhm" she said sacartically

i opened my locker taking out my books

" Annabelle how's your day going? "

i turn around to see Brandon and some brunette girl holding his waist..

" good why do you care brand plus why are you even here? Weren't you too cool to be seen with me" I said

" just checking on yeah you know cause later when i skipped class which was when you and Jeremy were doing touring and i saw you having a moment with him i didn't wanna   look so I just left , but don't you think it's a little fast?" he Said

omg does it have to be my brother

" no its not like that he was making a joke ...and stop bugging around my personal life " I said

i gave myself a mental slap in the face

" well wouptty dou say whatever you want newbie am out peace out sucker!!"

" who's that ?" Kendra said

" brother......" I said

" his smoking hot.." she said with a smirk

I looked at her with disguise

" don't ever say that...or I'll puke" I said

she giggled " he is thou" she said

i rolled my eyes and turned the other way to see Alexandra coming towards me.......

what is it now? I said to myself

hey.....oh no!! Alexandra!!! I seriously don't find her scary or anything lol...anyways.... don't have anything today bye...
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