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A/n: College fic. Fictional All girl's college campus with Oceans 8 characters. And for convenience, their age is highly manipulated here😅

Debbie Ocean - College queen, stubborn, too powerful, highly competitive and good at studies as well as other activities, in short, all-rounder, second year.

Lou Miller - A new student in Debbie's class, equal to Debbie in every aspect, and mainly, Debbie's best ever enemy, second year

Tammy - the college topper. Debbie's best friend. The only one in Debbie's team who can advise Debbie, second year

Rose Weil - The most innocent student in whole college who is bullied by Debbie and her team and so, Lou took Rose under her wings. second year

Daphne Kluger - the college Diva, Debbie's glamorous friend, and part time model, old money. first year

Nineball - The computer genius, weed dealer, with carefree attitude, Team Debbie, first year

Constance - Videogame addict, prankster, occasionally attends class other than being in cafeteria, Team Debbie, first year

Amita - The only silent one in team Debbie. She's in this college only because her parents forced her to. Else she would be a travel blogger. First year

Leonard Miller & Elizabeth (Lizzie) Miller – Lou's uncle and aunt, who considers Lou as their child.

Howard Ocean - Debbie's Grandfather, the senior most of Ocean's family, the chairman of Ocean's group.

Frank Ocean - Debbie's father. Selfish and egoistic, evil and alleged criminal. A black mark of the family, the pioneer in Ocean's criminal history.

Danny Ocean: Debbie's brother who happens to be grey shaded. He isn't a criminal per se, but he also isn't the one to do things legally. Owns multiple casinos, sports clubs and teams.

Tess Ocean - Danny's wife, the CEO of the hospital run by her father's foundation and one of the few people in the Ocean's family whom Debbie genuinely likes.

Angelina - Frank Ocean's current girlfriend and his partner in crime, literally.

Annie - Lou's mysterious girlfriend


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