I don't think my phone can work much longer

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I've got my power cord and everything and electricity still works for now somehow, in most places anyway. But who knows how long that's going to last.
I live in a town across the water from Three Mile Island. It's a nuclear plant that's been here forever basically and they shut it down a few months ago in like September I think, and this didn't all start right away but it was like right after almost.
Nobody knows what the things are or where they came from. The news tried telling us some bullshit like weather balloons and gases but there was no way anyone was calling for that especially when people started taking pics with their phones and trying to upload them.
That's when the government showed up and shut down most of our internet. Everything everyone posted online the day before disappeared. Nobody knows what's going on here or what these things are or where they came from or why they're SO BIG and why they're LOOKING AT OUR TOWN
The military showed up a few weeks after that because people were panicking and starting to loot and trying to get out of town, but something is wrong at the edge of our county, it's like there's this fog there and if you try to get through it you just come back out somewhere else on this side.
So far the things on the horizon are just in one direction like around where the nuke plant was, so most of us think it's got something to do with that but we're not sure.
But they're getting closer. They're slow, but if you watch them long enough, you can see them moving.
I took this pic with my phone. I'm gonna keep trying to get pics out there and some descriptions and stuff. I'm not a news reporter or whatever so idk what I'm doing but I hope someone out there is paying attention and comes to get us.
Sometimes at night when everything's quiet, I think I can hear them whispering.

please help us, the thing on the horizon is getting closerWhere stories live. Discover now