Chapter 2: She's meant to be!

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If it's meant to be, I will find her. The love of my life. And, this time I'll make sure I don't lose her. I'll fight for her, for myself and for our future. Though only time will tell, if she's meant to be found. All I can do is continue my search without a break. For when I meet her again, it will be worth a thousand lifetime's of joy.

July 15th, 2018 the usual weekend it is. It has been almost two months since I returned from the States and I even gave a few interviews. I got through one company for a role of junior system administrator, but the pay wasn't that great. And, I was still waiting to hear back from the e-commerce giant that I last interviewed on their offer letter. It's been twelve days now and I still haven't heard a word from them except that I cleared the interview. In reality, most of my time at home was just spent on bed and binge watching Netflix. Not cause I have no where to go, but rather the comfort of my bed; beats the people around me. Today was one such Saturday while I was lying on my bed, that I suddenly heard a knock on my door.

The door's open, come in!

It was my brother, the one who possessed all the good looks that my parent's genes had to offer. It seemed like he just woke up from his sleep at 11 am with his bright red under shirt and black shorts and with his one plus 7 phone on his ear as though he was on call with someone.

Would you be free to go practice in the cricket nets at around 2 pm, he asked. We used to do this whenever we had nothing planned on a weekend and in my case it was almost all my weekends. Cricket nets it is called and it is basically the same game of cricket where at one end you bat and at the other end someone bowls to you. The only difference here is that instead of having fielders, you bat in a cage like structure with nets cast all around.

Sure, I have nothing else planned today, I replied as though it was something out of the ordinary. Let's go.

A couple of my friends will join as well, OK?

And I wondered as to why I don't have anything planned on a Saturday. When did my life get so mundane? Don't I really have anyone I could go chill with? Of course not.

A couple of my friends will join as well, OK? He asked me again as I had failed to answer the first time.

Sure! The more the merrier, I said.

Cool. I'll let them know. And, then he left the room leaving the door open as usual.

Well, cricket beats lying around aimlessly at home, I guess.

It was soon 1.30 pm and we were ready to leave. He was taking his car out of the garage, a red I20 active. The guy is 4 years younger to me and already has a Royal En-field and a gorgeous red I20 red to his name. Hmm... it begs the question on what have I really been doing this life?

As I entered the car, I could see a bright yellow colored umbrella at the back seat of the car and on top of the dashboard, there was a blue glossy Parker fountain pen that probably costed more than the previous offer I had received for the system administrator role. Both puzzled me, as he wasn't the type to carry around a bright umbrella nor a fancy pen like that. I mean forget Parker fountain pens, I haven't even seen the dude carry around even a Reynolds ball pen. Though, I would personally chose Reynolds over Parker any day, but then again I am the jobless one with nothing to do on a Saturday afternoon. I suppose the puzzled look was quite evident on my face and before I even asked anything, he told me that umbrella belonged to his girlfriend and the pen was a gift to her dad as he was finally going to meet her parents that night for dinner.

The puzzled look turned to one of a shock, a state of utter disbelief. Oye oye, as if good looks, a classic 350 Royal En-field and an I20 car wasn't enough already, he has a steady girlfriend and he's going to meet her parents? Wah.. like seriously! What have I been doing all this time? All these thoughts were running around in my mind, however I've had my fair share of dating some gorgeous women and even though all were pretty much a short term not exceeding a few months. I managed to act cool about it, and with the best poker face I got, said, nice! Chalo let's go before we get late.

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