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" Have you heard about y/n coming to school here," asked Cheryl, the head girl. Everyone looked confused at her. "Ohhhh," Veronica said realizing what she was talking about," I heard she's like the prettiest girl ever." Archie picked the Raven headed girl up by the waist and smiled," Not as pretty as you." Just then Archie was called for football practice. "Catch you later vee," Archie said in between kisses." See you at the game tonight Arch!" Veronica yelled to him. ( Later that day, just after football practice.) Y/n stepped out of a black mustang." Miss Katherine, take my bags to the house please,"you say sternly. " Of course, madam," she says quietly. You walk to the football field and see a ginger headed boy throw a football across the field. You go to say hi but just before you get there a Raven headed cheerleader jumps into his arms and they kiss. You storm away before anyone noticed you. You decide to go check out the school you walk the halls then you walk into a room. You see a blonde hair girl making out with a guy with a gray beanie on." I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt anything," you say. They gasp and look up at you. " It's fine. Wait are you y/n?",the blonde said," I'm Betty would you like me to show you around the school?" "Sure," you say." I have to get Arch back somehow," you say to your self inwardly smirking knowing that this was gonna be fun.

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