Prologue: The Watcher

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If humanity couldn't find chaos then they will create it...

       Her brother had told her this many times, many years ago, and yet, even now, the words rang true. It was a fact now written deep in her bones, soaked in her blood, in her memories, and now those around her. Humanity was never- had never been, a peaceful race nor will it ever be, for they crave battle and the unattainable thrones of the Gods they worship. She had seen them belittle each other, cast fake smiles, and form packs so fragile they fell apart within a moment's notice. There was no loyalty, no sanctuary in their ranks. She had seen them turn their backs on each other and the young when danger was present, one where death lurked and tilted its head, beckoning. She had seen humans lie that they had evolved, boosting that their intelligence exceeded their ancestors, claiming to be the genius of this planet when all she saw were the same animals with the same desire for violence that now knew how to create stronger weapons.

        Weapons like the T-virus and G-virus.

        She had seen what those creatures could do during her in the woods near the great Mansion, watched through the eyes of others as they, Umbrella, did terrible things to the family, slowly killed them with their experiments as her own punishers had done to others like her and had almost done to her. She had watched- hurt and helpless- as they experiment on the animals, cried as their minds twisted, and flatlined under the weight of the humanities malic and hubris. She watched, distraught, as the S.T.A.R.S team's invaded the Mansion, watched through the eyes of her Cerberus as she decided to direct them to leave the survivors ammo, guns, and herbs at their disposal.

        "We should keep our distance- this- is this wise?" The Third growled. "What will this do for the pack? What will this do for you, little bird?"

        "Humans are all the same,"  The Second mourned. "They will hurt us again; they will hurt you again, little bird."

       "Times change, but people do not little bird," The First reminded with a hum.

        "Hush," she had said instead, body leaning against The First. Her fingers clenching her injured side; their own escape did not come without consequences, even years later. "Trust me."

        "We do for you are ours-" The First started, fierce in his watch.

        "- and we are yours and this is why-" The Second continued, withering in the shadows.

        "-We would follow you anywhere." The Third finished, maw bloody from battle.

        "But you see what we cannot; You have distanced us and not shown us the universes' ties and so, we worry little bird." They sighed in unison.

        "Trust me, Cerberus, trust me and wait. Continue and wait." And they did.

        She watched with The First faithfully by her side, as the other two guided the women and men to the helicopter, watched as they fought the Tyrant until she couldn't anymore.

        She watched as she guided The First to follow the helicopter as The Third to hide her deep in the woods after they came to search for her and The Second to salvage whatever he could from the flames.

       "You are hurt, you are hurt, little bird, lay down, hurt," They yelped.

        "I'm alright, it's alright, see?" She reached out, embraced them, soft silk against frazzled skin. Their minds merged and tangled tight enough to hurt.

        "Good, good, good," They sighed, pressing against her. The relief was evident in their actions as they all came together, finally, as one. "Safe, safe, love you, keep safe."

        "Yes, yes," She laughed, hands as gentle as her mind. "I am safe, now come to me and let me show you what Time has shown me."

But remember, that no matter what, there is good in them.

         She trusted her brothers, his words of wisdom. She trusted him enough to heed his warnings, to hide from the world the created her and watch and help from the shadows as humans came alive months later once again.

        But as she looked down at the chaos below her, watched as the officers gunned down the people she tried so hard to save for the past few days- few hours, she wondered if they were truly worth saving.

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