Chapter Sixteen

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Steffi POV

I slowly wake up to the sound of people singing and loud foot steps. I shoot upright sleepily, instantly remember what took place last night. I let out a sigh, knowing I'll have to face Bart soon, but then I start to smile at the memory at the park with Niall. I glance  around and see all of One Direction running in different directions. I let out a small laugh, cause you know.. Directions? No? Ok.

I stand up and stretch as I remember I'm in the same clothes as yesterday. Niall stops walking towards and kitchen and walks to me, "Morning love." He smiles.

I smile, "Good morning Niall!" I grin thinking hard for a moment that I'm actually waking up to all of this.

He laughs and I look a the boys being in a hurry, "Off somewhere important this morning?" I ask fighting my smile.

He grins, "We're going on a TV show.. I forgot the name of it.. But would you like to come with?"

My eyes widen in surprise, "We leave in 30 minutes, if you wanna come." He says putting his hands behind his back and rocking back on his heals.

My eyes grow wider. Only thirty minutes to get ready? "CRAP, I NEED TO HURRY!" I bolt off of the couch running to my bag on the coffee table.

I quickly manage to get out an outfit, plus a few things for light makeup. I turn around, noticing Niall watching me entertained as I glance around frantically for a bathroom. Once catches my eye down the hallway. I quickly run to the door and  bang on the door.

"IM DOING MY HAIR!" Zayn yells back, sounding slightly peeved he was bothered.

I mentally slap myself. Of course Zayn is in the bathroom, doing his hair.

"You can go to mine in my bedroom, door on the right." Niall laughs at me from the living room.

I laugh quickly, then shoot off to his bedroom. I enter to see it's actually pretty clean, the bed is neatly made with its black and white covers and the whole room is open showing glass windows to look over New York. Nothing stays on the floor except Niall's duffle bag. I quickly go to the bathroom and lock the door. I strip my clothes off and hop in the shower.


I slip out of the shower and quickly pat myself dry. Since it's freezing outside I'm wearing another pair of my black skinny jeans, my grey knitted sweater and my black scarf. I glance to the floor to see my red vans. I quickly slip on my adidas socks and nearly fall over as I slip my shoes on.

I stand upright and check my phone, noticing I have only about 15 Minutes left to be ready and with the boys. I get my make up. I clean off my smudged make up from yesterday and quickly do my cat eyeliner and mascara, then some simple lip gloss. I grab my curler and curl my hair into simple beach waves.

I smile pleased and notice I have 5 minutes left, I better freaking hurry. I run out of the bathroom and put my dirty clothes in a bag. I run into the living room to see five gorgeous boys. I look down feeling insecure about myself suddenly. I don't deserve to be in the presence of these beauties. I feel myself blush as I put my stuff on top of my bag.

The boys all smile at me, "I'm Louis." He waves rocking back on his heals.

"I'm Zayn, obviously." He smirks. I let out a small chuckle thinking about last night how he just stopped the boys. Bc who wouldn't listen to Zayn Malik?

...I need to stop, my lord

"I'm Niall, or Nialler." He winks putting on a small smirk causing me to make my cheeks go red.

Magcon Bullied Me ((UNDER EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now