What can make me feel this way?

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*one year later*
Sid: I'm going to Lincon's house!
Mrs. Chang: ok.
Sid Runs over to Her Boyfriend's house and rings the door bell and Luna opens the door.
Sid: Hey, is Lincon home?
Luna: ya, he is in his room, you can come in and go up there
Sid: thanks, what is your name again?
Luna: Luna
Sid: ok thanks
Luna: your welcome
Sid goes up to Lincon's room and knocks on the door and Lincon opens it.
Lincon: morning
Sid: morning
Lincon: it's 4:30 am
Sid: I'm sorry, I was just so excited to see you!
Lincon: want to sleep till 8?
Sid: ok
The two got into bed together and slept until 8 am
*8 am*
The two woke up to Luna playing Courtesy of the Red White and Blue. The two then ate breakfast, and watched a movie about wars the United States of America has fought. After that, the two went on a walk and held hands.
Lincon: I love you
Sid: I love you too.
Lincon: I love you more
Sid: no, I love you more
Lincon then was tackled by a guy in a green shirt. Lincon managed to get free and fight back and eventually knocked out the dude's teeth. The Cops came and arrested the man for assault. They then walked to Kentucky Fried Chicken for Lunch.
Lincon: hard to believe we have been together for over a year.
Sid: same
A few minutes later, Ron walks in and up to their table.
Ron: I want your shoes!
Lincon: no
Ron: I will fight for them!
Sid: Ron, instead of stealing them, how about buying your own shoes?
Ron: never thought of that
Sid: here, I'll even pay for the shoes, just give me the change back.
Sid hands Ron $50
Ron: thanks! I will give you the change back.
Sid: Your Welcome
So Ron ran out of the restaurant and went to the shoe store.
Lincon: you did not have to do that
Sid: I know, I just want to keep everyone from getting hurt.
Lincon: ok cool
Sid: Lets go back to my house
Lincon: ok
The two then go to Sid's house and sit on her couch.
Sid: can I kiss you?
Lincon: I was going to ask the same.
The two then got in to a deep kiss and Sid put her arms on his neck and his on her sides the two only got deeper into the kiss, pulling out every few minutes for air then getting back into it even deeper then the last kiss. Sid requested access into Lincon's mouth. Lincon denyed her request.
Lincon: I think we should wait until we get older to do that.
Sid: ok
Suddenly, Lincon was shot in the back multiple times before the shooter got away. Sid called 911 and Lincon was admitted to the emergency room.

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