Chapter 1: Afraid

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Today was the day we were all leaving for London. Which was exciting, for someone who's never been anywhere but Sydney before; aka me. I had all my stuff ready; I was packed and ready to go. Ashton, on the other hand, was still half asleep. Yeah, he's never been a morning person. Well, neither have I, but on this occasion, I was as ready as I've ever been.
We had to be ready pretty early. It was a 23 hour flight...
Luke's mum, Liz, was coming to pick us up, and drive us to the airport. Calum and Mikey was driving with Mikey's mum and dad. It was also quite a long way to the airport, but because we were all so excited to go London, there wasn't a quiet moment in that car journey. I think Liz hates us now. Anyways.... We finally got to the airport, met up with the two other guys, checked our bags in, went through security, and we were off.
~ after 23 hours consisting of goofing off, annoying people on planes and sleeping, we finally landed in London ~
Some sort of minibus picked us up after we got our bags, and we drove straight to our hotel. Even though it was in the middle of the day, we went straight to bed. As only three rooms were booked, Ash and I had to share, which I don't think either of us minded very much, we're used to having little night-parties at home, in one of our rooms.
We woke up again in the middle of the night - damn timezones - extremely hungry.
"What time is it?" Ash asked, his voice deep from sleep.
I checked the clock on my phone, which was resting on the small night table beside the bed.
"2am" I sighed deeply, and fell down on the pillows, Ash doing pretty much the same.
"I can't sleep anymore, no matter what time it is." He stated, though still lying down.
"Me neither. Should we get the other boys to hang out with us, or nah?"
"Sure." He immediately pulled out his phone, and texted Cal, Luke and Mikey.
A few minutes later, 3 too fresh teenagers were standing at the foot of our bed, a couple of guitars in hand.
"I don't exactly think we're allowed to play at 2am." I stated.
"Have we ever listened to rules?" Mikey asked me.
"You haven't, but do you want to have a place to sleep tomorrow?"
"I thought so." I didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence.
For hours, we generally just hung out, talking and laughing about everything under the sun. That's just what we do..
At around 7am, I decided to take a shower, and get ready for the rest of the day.
"What plans do we have today?" I asked no-one in particular.
"We're meeting up with the 1D boys for lunch. I don't know much else." Ash answered. I instantly froze in my spot, and maybe slightly peed my clean jeans. I mean, who in the world wouldn't be nervous to be meeting the worlds biggest band at the moment? And they might not be my exact genre of music, but which 16-year old in the whole world wouldn't have just a tiny soft spot for them? So, naturally, I sat down on the end of the bed, just to think everything through. How I even ended up here, with my brother and my 3 best friends.. And what was even going to happen over the next year. I didn't really know what to expect, but one thing is for sure. I would never, in my wildest dreams, expect what happened.
Lunch arrived very quickly..
I was soon seated in the back of a quite small cafe in the heart of London, with my four best friends, and the biggest boyband in the world.
It started quite awkwardly..
The five of us walked into the tiny place, me being extremely nervous, and them just being their usual, bubbly self - quite loud, might I add. Their loudness was the reason that a blonde, blue-eyed Irishman was standing in front of us all, before we even reached the table we were meant to be seated at. Suddenly, I felt like I couldn't breathe at all. The room seemed to close in on me, and I got this incredibly queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. What if they didn't like me? Then this whole thing would be so pointless, and horrible, and then I would have to go home, and live my normal life, with more high school students pretending like I wasn't there, and whenever I said anything, give me looks of despise, and I wouldn't have Luke or Michael or Calum or Ashton or anyone, and I would be alone all again.
Every noise got blocked out, I only heard the sounds of my own doubting thoughts, and suddenly, Ashton's voice was heard, painfully close to my ear. I was awake again.
"This little munchin is my little sister, Allison - prefers Alli. She's only 16, so no penis jokes guys," he directed to the rest of the boys at the table. He finished his little speech with a ruffle of my head, making my ombré-blonde-purple hair even more of a mess than it was already. I tried fixing it, subtly, while I could hear the rest of 5SOS laughing their asses off in the background, and 1D softly chuckling.
Niall pulled me in for a bone-crushing hug. For about twenty seconds, I stood completely still. I still couldn't move.
He smelled good. That seemed to calm me quite a lot, and I was somehow able to wrap my arms around his waist, very loosely.
When he pulled back again, he gave me just about the cutest smile in the world, one that I couldn't help but to smile back at.
He really did know how to make people comfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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